Chapter Five

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(Six years before Christian and Sophie met, Christian had a lover named Hannah. This is Hannah's story.)

I thought if I offered to blindfold him and pretend to be Jodie, he'd love me. But that's for unrealistic fantasy books.

'I'll let you fantasize that it's Jodie.'

It was selfish pride that I had when I was telling him this. But the sweet touch of those cool hands ... it made me love him more and more. So much more.

I heard her name being mumbled and not mine. I guess it shouldn't have been such a surprise but it hurt. I was left with just his hands that touched me. But I wanted his words to whisper my name.

And my love wasn't returned to me.

I thought maybe, just maybe, if we were skin-to-skin and he knew how I felt on top of him that it would tell him how I felt.

I feel a tear fall and all of a sudden, a rocket smashes in front of me.

"What the-" on the other side of the bushes pops up a really pretty girl. She has sleek black hair and blue eyes and wears a simple blue dress. She picks up the bottle rocket and finally notices me. I wipe my eyes and she quickly takes my wrist into her hand.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Nora Kim." She pulls me off the bench I sit in this park. Without being able to fight back, I follow her.

"Wait, stop! Who are you!" We walk towards a small group of mixed men and women. They sit with food and a picnic blanket.

"Who's this you dragged along?" One of the men asked with a smirk.

"My new friend." She replies and hands me a bottled water. "There; its to mark your acquaintance."

Her smile is charming. The way her hair flies around her and her eyes squint in that way that makes her smile even more charming. My heart flutters.

"Cheers!" Everyone says in unison with their waters and beer.

"Oh, I-"

"Don't worry," she says and kisses my cheek softly. My face turns pink when I look at her. She smiles again and again, my heart flutters.

She's a girl. Why am I getting all worked up? I like men, right?

Her hand just now. It's softer and kinder than Christian's. Is that why I like it so much? No way.

As I sit with some people from the group, I watch her hurry with the others getting ready to launch the rocket again. Even kids in the park linger around her.

"We all met through Nora. She's a real charmer. A doctor in training." An older man explains. "She's the one who came up with this group and that's how we all met."

They all hand me their business cards and each of them are representatives and directors of pharmaceutical companies. Who is this chick!

"From what Nora's told us, her background is a little complicated." One explains. "She was dropped off at an orphanage when she was born and named Nora after the nurse who cared for her and died of old age."

The rocket flies in the air and the kids cheer around her.

"She started working as soon as she was able to and even though the part-time wages she makes barely gets her by, she still puts some aside for the orphanage every month."

"Her dream is to take over the orphanage one day." One smiles and looks over to her.

"She's such a good kid." Another comments. "People like her deserve all sorts of happiness."

Nods of agreement circulate the little blanket we share. I look back at Nora. Her smile and the hope in her eyes make me want to give her that happiness she deserves.


I'm finally free to go home. It's already dinner time. I may as well pick up food. As I walk to my car, I feel her walk behind me. When I stop, I turn to face her and she stops a couple feet before me.

"Can I help you?" I ask with slight annoyance.

"I just wanted to check on you." She replies a little timidly. I can tell she's trying to be confident. "You were crying so much earlier today that I had to have you join the group."

"Well that isn't any of your business, is it." I state and I can tell it hurts her a little to hear it.

I open the car door and she hurries to my side, grabbing my wrist again. I glare at it and then her. The hand releases me.

"You're a teacher at Long Beach State aren't you?" She asks and I frown now.

"Why?" I look away and see all the papers I have to grade.

"Can you tutor me?" She asks suddenly and I scoff.

"In what?"

"I want to go to college for social welfare but I got my GED requirements in high school and didn't go to a community college so I'm taking a few placement tests to get into the school." She explains and I'm getting more annoyed by the second.

"I have papers to grade and tests to give. I don't have time." I reply curtly and try to get into my car.

"Please, when you do have the time." She grabs my shoulder this time which makes me stop.

"I want it to be you, Hannah." She looks at me with seriousness and hands me a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Please call me when you find a time that's suited for you." She makes me take it and then hurries off. I watch her turn around and say, "and don't throw it away either!"

She hurries to her car and when I finally don't see her, I get into my car and shut the door. The phone rings and it's an unknown number.


"Please let me be tutored by you!"

What the hell!

"I thought you only gave me your number!"

"I got it earlier from one of my friends. Please!"

"Stop being so needy! I told you I don't have time."

"But I want to study!"

"That's enough! I'm getting seriously angry right now."

"Go for it then."

The phone clicks and I stare at my phone. How weird. First I get my heart broken then all of a sudden this weirdo comes at me in all angles?

I drive to pick up some Chinese food and head home. As I walk up the steps to my apartment, Nora is standing right here.

"Ok now you're really creeping me out! What are you ... how did you ..."

"I'm showing you how dedicated I am to wanting to be your student." She has a look of true determination in those deep blue eyes but I walk past her and open the door.

"Will you just leave me alone!" I shut the door behind me and realize I didn't pull the key out of the door. I hurry to open it but she and the key is gone.

Great. Now I have a creep and possible serial killer with my key to the apartment.

Screw eating. I'm going to sleep my problems away!

The Purest of Hearts: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now