Chapter Ten

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"Do you think we're in a relationship?" I ask all of a sudden and glance over at Christian. He's smoking again and I've been telling him to stop but he obviously isn't listening.

"Why wouldn't we be?" He asks and looks up from his newspaper. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and drinks his coffee.

"Well, I don't know. We never really made it official if we are or not and I've never had a relationship with someone without knowing if we were or not." I explain and he wears a small smile on his face.

"What's your definition of being in a relationship?" He asks now and I flush red. I look at his teddy bear and hear him get up. "I don't think our definitions are too far apart."

He sits adjacent to me on the couch and reaches for my knee. I've been a lot better at letting him touch me and kiss me. It still sends chills down my spine and I'm not used to all the sex we do have but I do enjoy his small touches.

"I was just asking is all," I say and look at the time. "Shoot! I'll be late for school."

He's all cool and calm, watching me scramble to get my things.

"I can take you to school. At least a block away since you hate being dropped off." He's always thinking of me. Is that what it really means to be in a serious relationship? Selfless for the other?

"No it's fine, if I leave now I'll make it on time." I lean forward and kiss him. He's surprised just as much as I am by the gesture. When do I ever kiss him goodbye? I hurry out the door and go to the elevator.

My definition of being in a relationship, huh?

Well, we have sex. Go on dates. We have meals together. Bicker like couples do. Sleep together. Ugh, we are in one!

When I make it to class, I drown out any thought of Christian and I being in a relationship. But the back thought makes me feel secure with him.


"Lets go out on a date." Christian announces when I enter the apartment. I haven't even said hello. He's standing by the door waiting like a puppy.

"What? That's really sudden." I state and put my stuff down on the couch. He follows me to the kitchen as I get my vegetables and meat for dinner.

"I want to take you out on a date tomorrow. You're off of school early and don't work right?" He asks and I flush again.

"Yeah," I say and he wears a big smile.

"It's settled then. I'll figure out where to eat for dinner and you can figure out what you want to do." Christian leans in and kisses my head. "I have work to do so call me when dinner's ready."

"Christian wait!" I try calling after him but he's ignoring me as he climbs the steps and shuts the door. I can tell he was wearing the biggest smile on his face.

Date ... date .... date ...

What do people do on dates? I've never really been on one. The only boyfriend I've had lasted a month and honestly we never went out on a date. Only as a group.

Maybe he'd like going to see a movie? Or going to get ice cream? Or maybe ... I don't know what he likes at all. Man I don't know much about him. But Annie and Jodie seems to know. Who else could know more about him than me?

I whip out my phone, about to call Jodie and stop, wide eyed and petrified. Why on earth would I ask her?! It would be a dead giveaway if I tried even lying about who I'm trying to figure out what to do on a date with. I shove my phone back in my pocket and go to the kitchen to cook.

The Purest of Hearts: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now