Chapter Six

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Why does my head feel warm. It feels so comfortable and nice.

When I open my eyes, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe yesterday was a bad dream.

Turning over, those blue eyes look right at me and I scream, covering my body with my blanket.

"What are you doing here!" I yell.

"Good morning." She waves the key in her fingers. "I finished my rounds at the clinic and figured I'd stop by."

"Get out! Drop my key off by the door and leave this instant!"

"I made breakfast." She smiles and I can smell it now. It smells amazing. Lured by the scent, I feel my stomach growl in appreciation to the look of what she's cooked.

We silently eat together and I'm still pretty ticked off that she invaded my home and kitchen.

I can't take it anymore. "Why go such lengths to be my student?"

She puts her fork down and looks at me with seriousness in her pretty eyes.

"You don't know?" She asks and I think she's going to explain her childhood.

"No, I don't." I want her to tell me.

"Well I thought you'd know." She replies and finishes her milk.

Freaking stupid!

She even washes the dishes she used to make the meal and eat from it. I can't kick her out, because the touch of her hands is so different than his. And not for the obvious reason of gender differences.

I've got to put him behind me. No matter how much I tried for him, the love won't be returned. I need to move on.

When we make eye contact, I jump and bump into my shelf of books. A few books fall and she hurries to my aid.

"Are you ok?" She asks, her hands on my shoulders. Her face is so close to mine. "Now you owe me."

"Don't get cocky!" I scramble to my feet and stare at her. She's on her hands and knees. Her smile and earnestly makes me blush. "Fine, I'll tutor you."

Her eyes light up. "But we're doing it on my schedule!"

"It'll be hard and I'm not easy to please so be grateful!" I fold my arms over my chest and glare at her.

"Yes, ma'am!" She smiles cutely and I'm taken back. She helps pick up the books and I can't help but watch. She's much more direct than Christian is and I've never experienced liking a girl before. In fact, I've never really dabbled in thoughts of girls. It was always Christian.

She pats my back and smiles.

"You're so cute, Hannah." She smiles and I frown, looking at her. She's a couple inches taller than me which pisses me off. She's the cutesy time who should be the shorter one in the relationship.

Wait, relationship? No way!


I left her with some study material she should look at while I worked at the school. By dinner time, I find her asleep on the floor with a blanket and a book under her.

She works part time in four jobs and is training to be a doctor while wanting a degree in social welfare. How does she do it all and still able to study?

Besides obvious features, they aren't similar at all. But I can say that she allures me more than he-

"Oh, welcome home." She smiles and sits up. Her just-waking-up-face is adorable.

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