September 22, 2017

7 2 1

Alright, so Maggie's "ghost pacifier"? A Ghostbuster's-esque ghost-zapping LASER! WHAT THE HELL THIS IS AWESOME! I apologize for that (why am I apologizing to my journal?). Regardless, the lasers are awesome, Strong Female Protagonist is awesome, and we're watching Gravity falls tonight! It's a sleepover at Maggie's again, and yes, we're old for sleepovers, and yes, guys and girls in the same room, oh no! For one thing, we're not fricking perverts, and we're on different sides of the room. As for the age thing? I don't give a crap what you think. Wait... you're a journal. You don't have feelings.

10:30/11:00-ish September 22, 2017

Hey! This is Cassie! We have LASERS. I'm the best shot! Gravity Falls season two is even better than season one! I'm also going to steal your Journal 3! Don't worry, I'll give it back. Now for the important questions: Do we have a right to attack ghosts? Will we ever need to? Why would ghosts attack us? What do the ghosts want? WHY ARE THERE GHOSTS? And are lasers REALLY the answer?

Sheesh, I give you people ghost-killing lasers, and you give me MORAL DILEMMAS? This is Maggie The Genius. Unfortunately, Cassie is right. She's a far better shot than anyone else. Henry's the worst by a lot. Nate's not bad, I'm pretty good, but Cassie's a fricking DEADEYE. How?

Because she's fricking awesome. Like, seriously. She's an awesome shot. Ain't that right Natey? Oh, right. This is Henry, FYI. Yeah. I've got nothing. Lasers are awesome. I don't really have any moral dilemmas because LASERS. Like, frick yeah! Oh yeah, and Gravity Falls! Frick yeah. I looked at SFP. Not REALLY my thing, but it's pretty interesting.

Audio Transcript:

September 22, 2017

Maggie: Remember how last time I was talking about all that "kind of legal stuff"? Well This is where that rule comes in.

Nathan: So no photographical evidence of this?

Maggie: Yup. So none of your social medias and the twitters. Them's the breaks kids.

Cassie: Absolutely no one can see these "ghost pacifiers"?
Maggie: Yes, weren't you paying attention?
Cassie: Then why are we doing this maybe three hundred feet away from your house?

Maggie: Hey, be fair. We're in a ravine.

Henry: And that makes it safer?

Maggie: You're missing the point. Anyways, get a load of these babies. I call them the GAL's.

Henry: What are they, leftovers from a ghostbusters movie?

Maggie: Laugh all you want funny guy.

Nathan: Why the GALS.

Maggie: Ghost Annihilation Laser. Who want's to try first?

Cassie: Can I try out your new and awesome technology?

Maggie: Sure. I see someone appreciates my technology. Alright, you put the backpack on, fasten the straps, flip the on switch, take off the safety, and fire!


Cassie: That! Was! Awesome!

Henry: Holy hell! Bullseye!

Maggie: Nate, your turn!


Henry: Alright, my turn.

Maggie: Oh no. If my technology looks crappy then you can go last.


Henry: Maggie, you're the best!

Maggie: Fine. You can have a turn.

Henry: YES!

tew! tew! tew!

(end recording)

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