December 1, 2017

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DAMN it takes me a long time to get to write a journal. So Phoebe and Maggie are DATING! I'm SUPER happy for both of them. We're hanging out at Maggie's house. I've had a LOT of time with Cassie tonight. It's kind of fricking awesome. It's really fun. We watched the Spiderwick Chronicles. Now I have to go to sleep.

But I don't! This is Cassie. Damnit, I don't usually do that whole "but I don't!" thing, but it felt good. So I'm here to say that I had more fun than I've had in a long time tonight with Nathaniel. Now... topic change! Maggie and Phoebe! I don't normally do this, but they're REALLY cute together. They're REALLY happy together. Damn. Now I need to work up the courage to ask Nate.

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