November 28, 2017. Phoebe's entry no. 2

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So that awkward introduction I mentioned the other day? Well, what I said was "I'm gay and I'm going to hell". Not sure why I said that. There was a religious kid at school who overheard me talking about it with my friend. My friend moved last year. This was in sixth grade. He said "I'm Phoebe. I'm gay and I'm going to hell." My response to the asshole was to say "hell yeah. Care to join?". He gave me this weird look and never bothered me again. It was a joke between me and my friend. I'm not sure why I said it. Bu6 that's beside the point. Maggie's response was "Who are you, and are you sure hell exists?". It was kind of funny. I sort of stumbled along and said my name. Then I saw The Ghost, and we got to talking about that. The next thing I know I'm reprogramming the GAL cannon on top. I just realized that Nate forgot to mention that I also wear glasses and have short hair. I'm a mess, aren't I? I can't even stick to one topic in a JOURNAL. So as for the whole me-Maggie thing. She's kind of perfect. Cute, smart, witty, and good at just about anything she puts her mind to. I'm kind of crushing hard, aren't I. Like harder than Nate and Cassie. Yeah. Nate also has a crush on Cassie. It's kind of funny, since they obviously like each other, but not one of them mentions it. But that's sort of the pot calling the kettle black, what with my whole Maggie thing, except she doesn't like me. At least not LIKE like. Maybe she does. I really hope she does, but I don't know. As for what it's like being the only-non werewolf in a family of werewolves? You don't miss a lot. Part of the reason why I'm so good with computers is that I had a lot of free time. During the Full Moon when the rest of my family was trapped in werewolf-form I would hone my computer skills. During the Full Moon they don't lose control of themselves, but they can't change back and forth between human and werewolf. Now I've got to go. I told Cassie she could do her entry today as well.

November 28, 2017 Cassie's entry 7

So Henry's back! That's great. I kind of missed him. He had fun when he was gone, and we had to give him the short version of events. And Maggie messed with his baseball bat. It's now really a metal club. She reinforced it again in order to make sure that it doesn't dent, then did a whole bunch of other stuff that basically lets it smash through bricks easily. Now to my favorite topic: Nathaniel Goldman. He said he'd use Doom when we found out how he's related. He's a natural leader, and he's handy with a GAL. He does have some confidence issues. And he can also go ballistic. Earlier today we were checking on Sharpclub. An ork tried to grab Maggie and he flipped. The ork was sent flying with an ectoplasma blast. It was kind of scary, but it's nice to know he cares about us. Now I've got to go. Homework.

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