Decenber 20, 2017

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So now this is Maggie writing. Today some hobgoblins showed up at the beach. Unlike goblins they have sort of brown furry on some of their brown skin, and they're about five foot five. Like goblins, they regrow any limbs that they lose. This meant that Nathaniel and my lovely girlfriend could chop off limbs with impunity and not feel bad. Phoebe had a longsword with a special silver alloy in wave patterns on the edges of the blade. The crests of the waves are going inward. She also has one of these swords back home. They're meant for hunting werewolves. Apparently SHE'S the contingency plan if her family goes rogue. On that cheery note I add that Nate got stuck with a short sword. And I had an improvised GAL because I built one. Now I need to turn the light off and go to sleep before Phoebe claws my head off. For playing Fall Out Boy. At 9:45 at night. And leaving the light on.

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