17: Anyone But You

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Chapter 17

Andy and I had been together for two months now. Our relationship was going okay paced so I was okay. We've been awesome and I've been happy. Today, Andy surprised my with roses, chocolates, and a swift kiss on the cheek.

“What's the occasion?” I ask.

He feigns shock. “You don't know?”

I laugh. “I'm kidding!! Baby, I know it's our 2 month anniversary.”

I take everything. I put the flowers in a vase. He took my hand and I head to Benny's Cafe with him. Ever since 2 months ago, it's been our … “place”. He ordered me a pumpkin scone and a vanilla bean frap. Then, he ordered himself a blueberry scone and a java mocha chip frap.

We sat down. “Soo..”

“So,” he said. “You--”

I leaned over and kissed him quickly. When I leaned back, both our cheeks were red. I mean bright red. Like brick red. We were so shy...

“What was that for?” he asks.

I shrugged and smiled.

“Melody! Andy!” they called.

We got up and got our drinks. We sat down.

“Hey Andy?” I ask.

“Yeah?” he said, playing with a strand of my dark brown hair. He looked at me and smiled.

“I know, I love you too,” he said.

That smile... I flash backed to when I first realized I loved him.

"Hey," Andy  had said, rushing up to me, away from his friends. "I was wondering..."

"Yeah?" I had asked.

"Do you wanna go to the movies on Saturday?" he asks. "Not like that ... as friends." He looks me. "Friends do that, right?"

I nod and laugh. I haven't laughed this much in a while. He makes me happy. "Yeah, sure. Just call me and we'll see."

He nods. "All right. See ya later, Willow."

"See ya, Andy," I say. I love you.

I shook my head, trying to get back to reality.

“What's wrong?” he asks, his blue eyes concerned.

“Nothing just remembering,” I say, with a small smile on my lips.

“Remembering what?” he asks.

“When I first realized I loved you.”

“Oh yeah? When was that?” he asks.

“I'm not telling you!” I exclaim, teasing playfully.

Then, he gets this look. He leaned over and tickled me on my side. I squeal and try to bat him away......Which failed, since I was laughing.

“ANDY!” I say breathlessly.

I blush. Since I was breathless, it came out like a moan. He smiles.

“I like the way you say my name,” he says.

I blush harder. We sat up and finished our drinks. Then, we go back to campus. I head to my classes and after they are all over, I'm relieved. Andy and I head to a party. A party.... I shuddered and remembered the last party I went to. I shake it off. Andy noticed though.

“Hey, look,” he said, his blue eyes concerned. They were bluer when he was concerned. “We can go to dinner.”

I nod and he changes his course to Olive Garden. We wait and the waitress goes to seat us. Andy whispers something to her. I caught some bits.

“Somewhere a little less crowded and then can you...”

Probably something for our anniversary. I smile. I sit down in a more quiet place where the waitress seated us. Andy sits across from me. We order some drinks.

“What'd you say to the waitress?” I ask suddenly.

“Jealous??” he asks.

No,” I say quickly. My voice cracked though.. Busted..........

“Mel, you are my one and only girl. I'd never look at another girl.”

I blush and smile.  I nod. She comes with our drinks and I sip it. We order entrees. I ordered a calzone while Andy went plain with a cheeseburger and fries.

“So how's Lucy?” he asks.

I nod. “She's good. I FaceTimed with for an hour yesterday. I can't believe she's so big now!”

He laughs. “Time goes by fast.”

I nod. “It flies....”

The food comes and we eat. I look up and Andy has ketchup on his cheek. I laugh.

“What?” he asks.

“You have a little something,” I said, pointing to my cheek.

He wipes it off and turns red. We eat and I order dessert. German chocolate cake. When it comes, I notice a message around the plate:

Melody, will you marry me?

My mouth hung wide open and I look up slowly. Andy has gotten down on one knee. People began staring and he pulled out a box form his jacket pocket. His blue eyes were shining in the lighting. His voice tremors as he asks me:

“Melody Isabel Willows, will you marry me?”

I'm so overwhelmed. A tear drops and my mouth is agape. Andy's face began to lose its light. What do I say?! It's so sudden. My brain shouts at me: Say yes, dummy!!

“Yes!” I shout.

I get up and he slips the ring onto my right ring finger. Everyone begins clapping and I jump into his arms. I only hear the applauding dimly because I'm too busy kissing. My fiancee. My Andy.


We planned the wedding and now after many months of planning, we were getting married. I was carefully crafting my hair into a bun with some curls falling out with Kendra, Lucy, and my mom. Since my dad was dead, my mom would lead me down the aisle. Kendra was just a bridesmaid. Just kidding. She was my maid of honor. Lucy's my flower girl. My wedding dress was a sweet heart neckline with a poof bottom.

When they stepped back, Kendra smiled.

“Oh, Mel,” she sighs. “You're beautiful.”

I smile. Then everyone hurries to get dressed. My dress was hanging on the door. It fit every curve and I looked good. Then, I go downstairs. The doors open and everyone looks at me. Kendra stood already and my gaze travels towards Andy.

Oh. My. God. He looks so handsome in his suit. He smiles and I dig my nails into my mom's arm. I give a shaky smile back to Andy as he smiles to me. Andy grabs my hand as my mom lets go and whispers to me:

“You look beautiful.”

The priest begins and soon we recite vows. Now it was almost time.

“Do you, Andrew Hartley, take Melody Willows to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

He swallows and looks me in the eye. “I do,”

“And do you, Melody Willows, take Andrew Hartley to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

I was never more sure. “I do.”

“Then you may now kiss the bride.”

He lifts my veil and puts his lips down to mine. We kiss.

This was now. This was forever. Where we'll go? No one knows. But we'll go together. I will go with Andy, my first and only love. My leap of faith paid off, bringing me happiness and love.

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