Epilogue: Anyone But You

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Epilogue – 7 years later

“Carmen and Brooke, how many times have I told you?!” I scold. “No fighting!”

Oh my daughters...

“But Mom!” they start to whine.

They sigh. My beautiful twins were only 4 years old but... Andy comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist.

“How are you, my love?” he asks.

I smile. I loved it when he called me “love”.

“I'm fine, my wonderful husband.”

He turns me around and kisses my forehead. Andy and I had been married for 7 years now. I had Carmen and Brooke after college. They were identical twins, which meant double trouble. I loved them to death. The doorbell rings and I answer. Kendra and her husband, Nick, comes in. They came for a family Christmas.

“Merry Christmas!” she shouts.

“Auntie Kendra! Unky Nicky!” the twins shouted.

Kendra gives the twins a hug and a box.

“What is it?” Carmen asks, curiously.

Kendra shrugs. “Gotta wait till tomorrow when it's Christmas.”

Kendra loved my twins. She had no kids of her own yet but she was trying to get pregnant with Nick.

I hug her. “Hey, Ken!”

“Hey Mel!” she says.

We go and sit in the kitchen. We talk and I think, “This is my life. 8 years of knowing Andy. I still remember how I got here. I was an unforgettable routine. I used to think, 'Anyone but him,' but now I think that he's the best thing that happened to me.”

So here I am. In love. All because of my leap of faith.

And I couldn't ask for anything more.


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