01: Anyone But You

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Chapter 1

"Hey, why don't you go kill yourself!" someone shouted.

I usually don't bother to turn. I already know who it was. Andy and his jock friends. But this time I turn.

"Least I don't bully people!" I shout back.

Jayson, one of his Andy's friends, smirks at me. "Bully? Yeah, right. I'm just giving you what you deserve."

I hate taking this. Sometimes I do wonder what would happen if I died. I tried to kill myself once but then someone stopped me. My best friend, Kendra. She found me trying to cut myself to death. I had a lot of blood loss too. That was 5 months ago.

I look down at my wrists and still see the cuts. It was a deep red. Then, there's my other cuts, more recent. Jayson turns away after I don't say anything. I saw their "leader", Andy, looking froma distance. I couldn't tell his expression though.

I turn back to work but then the bell rings. I grab my stuff and push it in my satchel. The class is filing out and I follow them. As soon as I get out, I'm tripped and my stuff flies out of my unbuttoned satchel.

I swore to myself mentally. Someone comes down and begins picking up my papers. I look up slowly. Andy?

"Don't you have better things to do?" I ask.

"I'm being nice," he says.

"But you're never nice to me without there being a price," I reply.

He shrugs. "I'm changing."

With my stuff collected, I stand up, snatching my stuff from him. "Bull."

I stand up and walk away to my next class. Should I believe Andy? No ... He's done too much to you already.


After school, I'm walking to my car when someone grabs my arm and pulls me around. Andy.

"What?!" I ask.

"I need to talk to you," he says.

"So talk," I say simply.

"I know what it's like," he replies. "What you feel like."

I scoff. "Really? You cut yourself wondering why you still live? You go into the kitchen wondering what's the sharpest knife there? You cry yourself to sleep every night?"

He looks at me, shocked as if he didn't know I did that. I think the only reason I still am alive is because I need to provide for my sister. It's my mother that can't provide for us. My sleeping around  come home drunk 24/7 mother.

He grabs my wrist and pulls up my bracelets I usually hide my cuts with. The deep red angry scars and cuts were there. He runs his thumb on some of them.

"Do you cut because .... Do you cut because of me? And what I say?" he asks.

I rip my wrist away from him and reposition my bracelets, then I pull down my sleeve. "Just leave me alone."

I get in my car and slam the door. As I drive away, Andy looks at me with the most heartbroken expression on his face. Fake expression. It's not like he really cares ... Does he?


I open the door. "I'm home!"

I get a moan of my hungover mom but my little sister, Lucy, who was 10, comes and hugs my legs.

"Mellie!" she squeals.

"Hey, Luce," I say, kissing her head.

I never really showed affection with anyone but Lucy.

"OK, you can let go now," I chuckle.

She lets go and I head to my room to do homework. I set my bag down and grab an old photo album. Flipping through, I could hardly believe that Andy and I were once friends. I throw the photo album, fed up with the happy memories and him and I smiling.

I needed to let go of my anger right now. My bathroom wasn't far and I walk towards it. Under the bathroom sink, I have my razors. I take one and sit on the floor. Closing the door, I drag the razor across my skin. Red, red blood appeared.

At one time, it hurt but now cutting myself felt good. It was a weird feeling that I loved. I continue making jagged lines on my skin and tears appear. Not because it hurt because no cared. Not my hungover mother. I'm sure Lucy did but one person is not enough.

A knock sounds on my door.

"Mellie?" Lucy says.

Crap. I quickly put away my razor and run my hand under the water of the sink. My Band-Aids were there and I put a couple on, pulling down my sleeves after. I open the door.

"Hey, Luce, what's up?" I ask.

She looks down at my sleeve and sees something. She points.

"What's that?" she asks.

I look down and see a red stain. Crap.

"Tomato sauce stain," I lie. "What do you want?"

"Will you start dinner soon? I'm hungry," she whined.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Okay," she squeals then she runs off.

I shut the door and look out my window and grab a pillow, hugging it to my chest. Why doesn't anyone care? After a while, I cry so badly. No one cared. No one. I've learned to deal with the aching in my heart after a while, but somehow it still gets to me.

And why is Andy caring all of a sudden? I'm pretty sure he stopped caring a long time ago. I don't think he really cares. Maybe he's trying to get under my skin. To make me believe that he actually cares.

I get on my computer and get on chat. The only person I talk to is niceguy123. I've told him a lot about me. How there is my bully and I cut. He's the only one who's really there for me. He tells me to stand up to the bullies.

glitterintheair: heya!

niceguy123: hey whats up?

glitterintheair: same old crap

niceguy123: what now?

glitterintheair: hes now actually trying to help me shud i trust him?

There wasn't a reply for a while.

niceguy123: yes.

glitterintheair: ok well im going to go thanks for the advice!

niceguy123: no problem i hope he treats you better u deserve better. see you later buddie!

glitterintheair: thanks! cya!

I log off, a fresh thought in my mind. I was going to try to trust Andy. Who knows what could happen?


At school the next day, I head towards Andy.

"I have a deal," I say, fingering the strap on my bag.

"Shoot," he said.

"We will try to be friends," I say.

His eyes light up and he smiles. He sticks out his hand.

"Friends?" he asks.

I shake his hand and look him in the eye. "Friends."


Ohhh... guys what will happen?? Do you think Andy truly cares or is it somethng more?? Drop a comment, gimme a vote, fan me?

THANKS xxoo,


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