05: Anyone But You

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Chapter 5

*****YEARS AGO*****

"Hi, I'm Andy," the little boy says.

I eye him warily. "Melody."

"Do you want to be my friend?" he asks.

I nod. "Sure."


Andy and I went around the park, holding hands, my hand on his shoulder. Over these few days, I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me. He was quick to speak when I asked him questions and he seemed on edge. It was bothering him, I could tell.

"Andy," I start.

"Yea?" he asks.

"You can trust me," I say. "You know that right?"

He nods. "I know."

He'll tell me when he's ready, I think. I know it. We continue walking around, not talking. We didn't need to. Just feeling each other next to each other was enough. He whispers in my ear.

"We're meant to be together."

I smile as his breath tickles my ear and I cuddle closer next to him.

"I know."

He kisses my forward and we walk towards Coldstone. I order one large ice cream for us, coffee flavor. We get two spoons and sit down. Afterwards, he walks me home and kisses me goodnight.


The next was Sunday and I lay in bed thinking of what Andy's secret could be. Why couldn't he tell me? It was affecting me because he couldn't trust me. Trust is needed in a relationship. Now I needed to know. I was going to question him and if he couldn't tell me still? Well, I don't want to think about that. I rip my covers off and  get dressed.

Then I head to his house. He was most likely is his garage fixing something. I head there and went to the garage. Knock, knock.

The door opens suddenly and Andy appears smiling.

"Hey, baby," he said.

His arm encircled my waist and he kissed my forehead pulling my forward.

"C'mon in," he said.

I come in still not saying anything. How would I say this? Andy, I know you're hiding something? Well, that's a great conversation starter...

"Andy," I tried. My voice cracked and he looked at me concerned.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"What are you hiding?" I ask, my voice strong again.

His eyebrows furrow. "What are you talking about?"

"You can trust me," I say. "So say it. And don't say you're not hiding something because ypu've been on edge for days so please tell me. Did you sleep with someone? Do you want to break up? What are you hiding?!"

He sighs. "I can't tell you."

"So you are hiding something," I say. "And you can't trust me."

"I can!" he exclaims. "Just not with this..."

"Soon it'll be that and then another thing," I argue. "Just tell me. Please don't make me do this because if you can't tell me then I will break up with you. This relationship needs trust and right now it doesn't have any."

Tears pricked at my eyes. I didn't want to do this but ...

"Willow," he starts.

"Andy," I said. "If you can't tell me.. "

"I can't," he said, his voice full of pain.

"Then, I'm really sorry,"  I said. "We're over."

His expression hardened. "Willow, please!"

"I'm sorry."

He bangs his hand down on the hood and gets is his car. A tear falls and he backs out, burning rubber as he speeded down the road. As soon as he left, I broke down. I fell onto the floor and burst into tears. Why couldn't he tell me?

I cry for at least an hour and Andy isn't back. I didn't want to be here when he got back. It would be too much. I go home and try to shake it off. Lucy notices me crying.

"Mel?" she said cautiously.

"Yea?" I said, cursing my voice for sounding so weak.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Just fine," I said. But I wasn't and I wasn't even expecting these next few minutes. Those few minutes were everything changed. My phone rings and I answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"Melody?" some one asked.

"This is her," I replied.

"I'm so sorry, this is Andy's mom," she said. "Andy's just been in a car accident."

I drop the phone and feel the blood drain out of my face.

"Hello? Melody?" I hear his mother say.

I don't hear the rest as I faint and hit the floor.


Well well well sorry it's short! What'll happen next? Sorry to leave you with a cliff hanger :3 Im evil but HCapter 6 will be up soon!



Anyone But YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz