08: Anyone But You

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  • Dedicated to all my loyal fans who read this!

Chapter 8

It was now Wednesday and the 3rd of detention. My car was in the shop and I'd been getting rides from Andy... I was hard to talk to him and he doesn’t know why I'm mad at him. Well, some of what of what I was mad at him for. He didn't know that I knew he was niceguy123.

It was another silent day then I broke the silence.

"So thank you for taking me home this week," I said.

"It's no big deal," he said.

"So how's your mom and your family?" I ask.

"How about this?" he says instead. "One question and answer. Truthfully no matter what the question is."

"Ok," I said.

"Please tell me why you are mad at me," he said.

"Andy--" I start.

"No I deseve to know," he said.

"Because you can't tell me your stupid secret and because..." I trail off.

"Because?" he pressed.

"Because I know ..."

"Know what?" he pressed on.

I exploded. "I know you are niceguy123 because I am glitterintheair!"

His mouth hung open. "Oh my gosh, Melody."

Tears fall. "Don't. For a year you told me to stand up to my bully when my bully was you." My voice was barely audible.

"Melody, I'm sorry. I thought it was a different girl. I never should have treated you like that."

I wipe my tears. "My question, what can't you tell me?"

He gets the pained expression again. "I can't."

"You said truthfully," I reminded him.

"Just that I can't say," he says.

"Of course!" I exclaim. "The one thing I want I can't have. Don't you ever think? Why do you think I started cutting? Because I wanted to be wanted, to not be bullied. And I couldn't have it."

"Willow," he said.

"Don't call me that," I growl.

"Please just listen to me," he replied.

"I've given you plenty of chances to talk, Andy," I said quietly. "I've tried, now if you want to talk, you'll have to do something pretty extraordinary to have me listen."

Mrs. Peterson comes in and I leave with my bag. I wasn't angry now, just tired of everything. He drives me home in silence and I lean my head on the window.

"I'm sorry."

"I know," I reply.

I get dropped off but before I get out, I say lowly:

"I could ignore your secret and we could be friends, if you want. Call me if you can."

I was tired of "hating" Andy. I wasn't ready to completely trust him but if he was, I was ready to try....


It was a week later and I was try being nice to Andy. It's hard. But he doesn't question it. It's fun being with him, laughing with him, loving him again...

I never even knew that Andy got jealous till a guy was flirting with me.

"Hey, Mel," Marcus said.

"Hey, Marcus," I reply. I didn't really know him but.. "What's up?"

"Nothin' but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me on Friday night?"

I smile trying to hide my shock. "I don't know. How about you give me your number so I can reply to you."

He smiles flirtingly. "Sure, for you."

We trade numbers and I see Andy glaring at him. What's wrong with him? Oh my gosh, he's jealous. Who knew? Just to play him, I tell Marcus.

"I'm sure I'll say yes," I whisper in his ear like a secret then I wink at him, pulling away.

Andy looks like a tomato now. I walk over a confused expression on my face. "Andy, what's wrong?"

His face clears and he smiles, clearing his throat. "Nothing, what'd Marcus say?"

"He asked me out," I reply catiously.

"What'd you say?" he asks.

"I didn't say anything," I answer.

I saw relief in his eyes for a split second. "Oh, cool. Let's go to class."

"Class," I sigh.

Was Andy jealous? That's weird. He was jealous back when we were together. Does he still love me? If he does, he should be able to tell me his secret. It annoyed me and made me upset. I loved him but....

After school ends, we go to his house and study for an upcoming History test. His room was upstairs and we go up there. It was silent for a long time.

"So, what kind of student are you?” I ask.

“I’m a B’s and C’s student,” he replies. “You?”

I look at him and he smiles. “Right. A’s and all above.”

“Shut up!” I squeal throwing a pillow at him.

He looks at me. “Oh, it’s ON!”

He grabs a pillow and throws it at me. It nails me in the stomach.

“You’re sooo evil!”


“I need more pillows!!!”

Eventually, we collapsed breathless from laughing onto his bed.

“Who knew you were a pillow fighter?” I asked, laughing

“Me,” he laughed.

I smacked his shoulder. “Shut up. I’m serious.”

“Willow? Serious? Nahhhh…”

“Whatever,” I sighed. “Should we study?”

We both look at each other and burst out laughing. Nope. Instead, we go out to eat ice cream. It reminds me of that one day when we went out … as a couple. No, I commanded my brain, don’t think about that.

                                      Right now, I choose to live in the moment


Well, well, well, what do you think? Will she go on the date?? Comment and all that good stuff!!



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