06: Anyone But You

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Chapter 6

Fainting sucks. It's all black and you can't wake up when you want to. But the next thing I knew, Lucy ws standing over me, looking concerned.

"Melody?" she asked.

Her voice tripled in my head sounding like: Melody, Melody, Melody? My head hurt and I sat up on my elbows.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Eveything came flooding back. Andy. Car accident. Right now, my head didn't hurt anymore.

"It's ... 4:35," she answered. "Why?"

"I need to go," I said, silently cursing myself. I got the call from Andy's mom at 3:30. I grabbed my purse and rushed out the door. Andy was in a car accident. Because of me. The hospital parking lot was packed but somehow I found a spot.

In the lobby, I found Andy's mom and she looked so down.

"Marie," I said.

She looked up. "Oh, Melody."

We both rushed into each other and hugged. "Is he ok?"

"He's good but .. " She trailed off.

"Marie, what is it?" I ask warily.

"He's in a coma."

I covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh my gosh, can I see him now?"

She nodded and lead me down to his room. For a while, I just stood outside the door but finally I turned the handle and went in. Andy was hooked up to many cords and just to see him like that ..... If he hadn't  gotten so angry at me, he wouldn't have gone off like that. This is my fault.

I pull up a chair and sit down, taking one of his hands.

"I'm here, Andy," I say, my voice cracking.

There was no response. What was I expecting?? I looked at him and his tousled hair. With one hand, I smoothed it down.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

This was too much. I got up out of the room and leaned against the wall, slipping down to sit. Tears came and fell. Andy was like this because of me. I could have done something but I didn't. Nothing felt right without Andy.


The day after, there was no improvement. Still in a coma. Going to school was a drag but everyone knew what happened but why he was speeding was a mystery. I knew. Because of me. Marie kept giving me updates full of nothing. He was still in a coma.

I didn't know what to do. I blamed myself. And I missed him but I told myself that he lied. He couldn't tell me what was wrong. And I wasn't ready to forget that.


He's finally out of the coma, three days after the accident. I practically raced out of school to see him. Marie was smiling when she hugged me.

"He's been asking for you," she whispered.

I open the door to the room.

"You're awake," I breathlessly said.

He nods. "Yeah, I am."

"I'm so sorry," I bubbled, as I sat down. "This is my fault. If I hadn't done what I did, you wouldn't have been in a coma and I keep blaming myself because it's my fault and I'm so sorry, Andy. This--"

"Willow," he said. My cheeks flammed as he used my nickname. "Shut up."

I blush even more. "But it's--"

He cut me off effectively by putting one finger on my lips. "What did I say?"

"To shut--"

He glared at me and I closed my mouth. He smiled and removed his finger.

"I regret breaking up with you," I blurt and Andy gets this weird expression on. "If you can tell me, Andy, then we can be together again because I miss you."

"I can't," he says in a choked voice.

That wasn't what I was expecting and my face fell.

"I'm sorry, Melody." He called me by my first name and when he does, he's serious. There was so much pain in his voice ....

"Andy, please," I barely whisper. "I think I love you."

"I know," he said, "That's why I'm so sorry."

I wipe my tears and grab my purse. Before I leave, I turn.

"I'm sorry too."

I rushed past Marie without saying anything and got into my car. Just letting the tears flow down helped. Why couldn't he trust me? I let him in. I trusted him. Do I still? Sometimes I regret letting him in ... Andy was a mistake.

And I think I need to erase him from my life. Maybe. Could we be friends? I needed to be close to him still. It was a toxic and I needed more. But could we be friends still knowing he was keeping a secret?

Only time would tell.....

I went home and my computer chirped.

niceguy123 (1)

niceguy123: hey

I didn't respond. I didn't want to talk to just anybody. This was something I needed to deal with with a friend. I pick up my phone and scroll through my contact list.


I stop. Kendra. Kendra? No. She stopped being my friend after she found me. She was too freaked. I get to the end and realize there's nobody who was a true friend. Andy was, a small part of my brain said.

Shut up brain! I didn't need a reminder. Now there was a painful tugging at my chest. Like something was missing. A piece was gone. I was broken and no one could fix me. I curl up and just lay there.


School was horrible. I saw Andy everywhere and I couldn't shake him. Everytime I saw his face or heard his voice, the painful tugging was there. I always broke his gaze when he stared and then I run into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," I say.

Then I look up. It was Kendra with her purple highlights and I give her one of her books when she stands up.

"Hey, Kendra," I say.

"Hey, Mel," she said. She was surprisingly calm.

"So," I said. "How have you been?"

"I'm good," she replied. "I've got to go. Hunter's wanting for me."

Hunter was her boyfriend and I watched as she ran off. Then I catch up with my other sorta friend, Natalie.*

"Hey, Nat," I say. "How's Jason and everybody?"

"Good," she smiles. "We finally have peace. I feel like Charlie can finally rest."

Charlie died about a year ago and everyone knew about Natalie's and Jason's fight with the gang.

"Yeah, he can," I said. "Do you want to hang out after school?"

"Sure," she said.

For once, it felt like I could forget the pain of Andy.....


*Natalie is a part in "Dark Hearts", in which it deals with after Charlie's death and Jason's involvement in the gang.

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