03: Anyone But You

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OK so a little note before. LOL. Sorry but in each chapter when it starts a little memory of the past will come up. Melody's and Andy's then it will go present. Thanks. Drop a comment, gimme a vote, and yadda.


Chapter 3

*****5 WEEKS BEFORE*****

"Melody, why do you try?" Andy asks. "You should be dead. Nobody would care if you died."

Tears prick in my eyes. "Shut up."

He mimics me. "You're pathetic."


My phone rings and I jump across my bed and press it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Is Willow there?" someone asks on the other end.

"Hmm, she doesn't seem to be in, but there is a Melody here," I reply, playing along.

"Weird, you see, I was going to take my friend, Willow, to the movies," Andy says.

"Really what were you going to see?" I ask.

"The Amazing Spider-Man," he says. "There's a 6:15 showing."

"Well, I'll tell her," I reply. "Cya, Andy."


I hang up.

Ever since admitting my feelings about Andy, it's been weird talking to him. I didn't want to love him. He's hurt me and he's supposed to be my friend. Besides, he does not like me that way. I needed to be his friend so I try to push away my feelings. Sometimes they get to me though. 

Since right now it was 5:00 I started getting ready by taking a shower. Afterwards, I put on dark jeans, a purple tanktop and a white cardigan. Dressy but casual. 

Now it was 5:40 and I turned to makeup. Yeah, that's right, even emo girls use makeup. I wasn't going for dark now. I was going for light-er, since I wasn't as emo now. Because of Andy, I think. I shake my head. No, it's because someone cared now, not because I loved him.

I put on some lipgloss (not a fan on lipstick), some eyeliner, mascara, and a green eyeshadow to bring out my green eyes. Now hair. My hair was a mess. It was super thick but the plus side it's a pretty ashy blonde. I decided to let it go free. Whatever.

Since now it was about 5:50, I just went to my car and parked at the movies. A few minutes later, Andy pulled up next to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I reply, getting out.

He gets out to and we head to the ticket line.

"2 tickets for The Amazing Spider-Man. The 6:15 showing," he added.

The woman, who was in her thirties I'm guessing, looked at us smiling. Then, Andy pays.

"Sure," she said. "You guys are such a cute couple."

I blush and Andy smiles but doesn't say anything.. I jump in. "Um, we're friends. We aren't going out."

She raises an eyebrow. "Oh. Well still, you two look good together."

She hands us the tickets and we go away to the concession stand. I blush madly. Us? A couple? Andy didn't even object too....

"Large popcorn and a large drink," he said.

I raise an eyebrow. One drink? We pay anyways and we go to the movie. A couple of previews looked good. I reached for some popcorn as the lights. So does Andy. Our hands brush and an electrical spark went off. We both stop but then I continue and grab a handful of popcorn.

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