Chapter 11

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*7 months later*
Lisa's POV
When Christina had Olivia she did a introducing Olivia video, and a 9 month update video, so I did a introducing Liam video, and I'm going to do a Liam 9 month update when he gets , but  Liam is now 6 months and he is getting really big! He said his first word which was Mama, I was so happy, today me and my sisters are going to the studio, and I'm bringing Liam with me because Colton is at work,  and Christina has Olivia is over a year old which is fine, she just plays and the girls are great with Liam, so we got to the studio our producer saw Liam and he smiled at him
"Hey Liam it's about time I get to meet you" He said and Liam just looked at him and I laughed
"He seems really thrilled" He said and chuckled and He spoked up
"Okay lisa, you're gonna be first to record so whenever you're ready" He said and I nodded
"Okay" I said and I looked at Lauren
"Can you hold him?" I asked and she nodded as she took him and started rocking him and I went to the other room and they can't see me but they can hear me and they turn on the thing and I can hear Liam crying
"Is everything okay?" I asked and Christina spoked up
"Lise, come back in here for a second" She said and I took my headphones off and I walked in the room and took him from Lauren
"What's a matter dude" I said and I started bouncing him up and down and went "shhh" and he stopped and I gave him back to Lauren
"I'm right here buddy" I said and he smiled at me and I looked at them
"Im going to try this again" I said as I walked out the door and as soon as it shut, he started crying again and I opened the door and I looked at Christina as I took him again and he immediately stopped crying
"Lisa it looks like Liam is starting to have separation anxiety" She said and I took a breath
"He's never done this before!" I said and she spoked up
"Hey remember Olivia went through the same thing, Hes now starting to feel the love and attachment towards you, he doesn't understand that when you leave, that you will come back"  She said and I took a breath and I looked at Liam
"Hey bubby, I'll be right back okay?" I said and I handed him Lauren which I walked out and walked back into the recording room and they turned it on
"Okay, Lauren took him into the other room, you ready?" He asked and I spoked up
"Did he cry?" I asked and Christina got on
"Yes he did, but Lauren got it, he needs to get use to it, so let's get started" She said and I started singing my part and did my harmonies and everything and Christina got on
"Lisa that was amazing!" She said and I smiled and walked out and I walked in and seen Liam with Lauren on the floor and Olivia and Christina whispered in my ear
"See he's fine, you need to keep doing that and practicing" She said and I nodded and she smiled
"I know, it sucks when your baby cries" She said and I took a breath
"It does, I just want him to be comfortable around other people, especially you guys" I said and she spoked up
"He is! He just not use to you not being in the room" She said and I nodded and I walked over to them and Lauren spoked up
"Look Liam there's mommy!" She said and I smiled at him and he lifted his arms up and I lifted him up and kissed his cheek
"Youre probably hungry right?" I said and I grabbed a thing of baby food and started to feed him while the others are singing and he instantly fell asleep afterwards and luckily we were done for the day and I went home with Liam and Colton was home
"Hey babe how was the studio?" He asked as he came and peck my lips and kissed Liam on his forehead
"And how are you big man?" He asked and I chuckled and I spoked up
"Hey can you try something?" I asked and he nodded
"Walk out of the room and see how he will react" I said and he nodded as he walked out of the room and Liam started a little but not nearly as bad as with me eariler and he came back confused
"Today at the studio, I would go to the recording booth and he will start crying like crazy even being with Lauren and them" I said and he made a face and I spoked up
"He's getting separation anxiety" 

Happily Ever After (sequel to Mbnf) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora