Chapter 28

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Lisa's POV
Today I am doing a 2 year video with Liam since he is now two years old and it also has been highly requested,  My baby boy is growing up too fast, but in 2 months I'll have my baby girl with me as well. I started the Camera and had Liam in my lap and spoked up
"Hi guys! So I am here with?" I said and I asked Liam
"Can you say your name?" I asked and he smiled
"Li--am" He said with a space gap and I smiled
"That's right, we are doing a two year thing with Liam because today is Liam's birthday!" I said and he smiled
"Yay" as he started clapping and I spoked up
"Liam how old are you?" I asked and he raised his hands up with the number two sign and I smiled
"Good job!" I said as I kissed his cheek and he smiled and I spoked
"You guys have been asking about Liam a lot so I'm finally gonna give you guys what you wanted" I said and spoked up
"Liam is such a good baby, he is calm, always happy, very lovable, his personality is starting to come out and it makes me happy that he is not jumping the walls which is unusual because little boys usually do" I said with a laugh and I spoked up
"So Liam can you say your favorite food?" I asked and he spoked up
"Apples!" He said excitedly and I chuckled
"He does love Apples, basically any fruit, but he also loves when we have pizza" I said and he spoked up
"Pizza!" He said and I chuckled and spoked up
"What was your first word?" I asked and he smiled
"Apples" He said and I look at him
"No, can you say momma" I said he smiled
"His first word was momma" I said and I spoked up
"We are going to have his first dentist appointment, which I'm extremely nervous about" I admitted and I spoked up
"Ironically enough, he absolutely loves music, everytime it's playing or anything he starts dancing and tries to sings which is the cutest thing ever" I said and I spoked up
"What is your favorite movie?" I asked and he spoked up
"Trolllls" He said and I copied him
"Trooolls" I said with a chuckle "even though that movie is a few years old but he loves it" I said and his favorite cartoon is the one and only
"Paw patrol!" He said happily and I chuckled
"He does love paw patrol" I said and smiled and he just hugged me and spoked up
"I love you mommy" He said and I smiled
"I love you too" I said as I kissed his cheek and he still had his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on my shoulder and I spoked up
"As you can tell, his vocabulary is amazingly well for his age" I said and spoked up
"He also tried swimming with floaties this summer" I said and spoked up
"Hey, Liam can you tell me what you are going to have in October?" I told him and he looked at me
"Tell the camera" I said pointing at it and he spoked up
"A baby sister" He said and I smiled
"We are excited aren't we!?" I said and he smiled and I spoked up
"So as you can tell, Liam is doing great, he's happy, definitely a mommas boy as you can tell, but he is a spitting image of his daddy for sure" I said and spoked up
"Well thank you guys for watching and Liam thank you" I said and spoked up
"Can you say bye?" I asked and he waved
"Bye" He said and I smiled
"Bye guys"

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