Chapter 39

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*five months later*
Lisa's POV

A lot of people have been asking me to do a life update video so is what I'm doing so I started recording and I had Sophia in my lap

"Hi guys!" I said and Sophia waved
"Hiii" She said in her cute voice and I smiled
So first off I  can't even begin on how happy I am with life right now. I have such a amazing family, amazing husband, amazing kids, nothing is perfect but to me it is pretty close words can describe of how truly incredible he is. I could not have asked for a better husband, he is seriously the most supportive person I know, he treats me like gold and is amazing to the kids and they absolutely adore him. He is seriously my rock and I would not change a thing. He is the best thing that ever happened to me along with the kids. I am still in love with him as I was when we first starting dating.  We have three amazing kids and surprise I am pregnant with another and it's going to be a boy, which we decided to name him Elijah Lee and we are so excited because Liam finally gets a little brother he's been begging for even though he loves his sisters.
Liam is definitely a sweet down to earth kid, and I'm not just saying that because he's my kid. He is seriously a sweet kid, he is always smiling, he gives everyone hugs, he loves to snuggle especially with his momma, which leads me to saying he is a total mommas boy but he loves daddy too. He's my baby, first born, my prince, I don't want him to grow up, but I am so excited to see his personality grow even more as he gets older because I can already tell that he is going to be someone that will help anyone he can and he is going to do some incredible things. He is also extremely smart for his age, like I'm in the process of teaching him keys on the piano which he is doing really well on, and I feel like his personality is going to a lot like his uncle Alex.
"Then we got my baby girl Sophia..i siad i was tickling her to make her laugh, Sophia is definitely my princess, and definitely my spitting image, look at our baby pictures together and you literally can not tell a difference, she's definitely going to be introvert like me, I'm dreading teenage years already because I really hope she doesn't act like me when I was a teen, she LOVES to sing, she loves music, she will sing while she's playing, in the car, she will dance in the kitchen a lot, so I don't know if that will lead to something because she's still so young but once she gets enough I'll teach her piano and we will go from there. She also gets embarrass easily like if you yell her name in front of people like "Yay Sophia" or anything like that she will make this face that is out of this world, so she's definitely shy, she will hide behind me or Colton when she is around someone she doesn't know and stuff like, and again she is a mommas girl, she loves her "Momma snuggles" is what she calls it but she also has a thing called "Daddy time" too which is good. Her and daddy has time every night where he reads you a story doesn't he? I asked and she nodded while she smiled and I kissed her forehead "She is definitely smart for her age too, and I can not to see how her personality grows more as well" I said and spoked then
"We also have  my sunshine" and Sophia spoked up "Me!" She said and I chuckled
"No sissy" I said and she laughed and I spoked up...."so Ariel turned two back in December and I have to say, she is full of sass, so here I am with two calm kids and I have Ariel who is always making this diva faces and everything and I swear I want to say she is already a spitting image of Christina because the fierce attitude she already has and I'm not joking, but it's so cute at the same time. She always running, or doing something she likes a little spazz going everywhere around the house, it's really fun to see her personality develop though, she's a natural diva, but she also is a mommy's girl. They are all basically mommy's boy, and girls. They love their daddy too, but I always get the snuggles which Colton get jealous over but he gets snuggles from them too so it's all good.
As you guys know, we did have a miscarriage a few years ago and we still to this day wonder what it would've been like if the baby would've made it, but the baby wasn't ready yet obviously and we still love that baby, and we are still doing really good.
Guys I am literally so happy and so blessed with my life right now it's amazing, and you guys have always been supportive with everything and I cannot thank you enough, and I have to say, I have finally found my happily ever after"

The end!!!!!

Hey guys! Please leave feedback on this story! I love hearing what you guys have to say and like I said before this is last story for a while and I want to thank you guys for being so so supportive of all of my stories, it means more to me then you'll ever know! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Happily Ever After (sequel to Mbnf) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum