Chapter 14

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Lisa's POV
Liam has been sleeping in his crib, we do a nightly routine to where we give him his bath and watch paw patrol and lay him down, he did start crying at first but then he would  stop and went sound asleep, he is usually up at 7:30am and take his nap at 1:00, I think we have him sleep trained! His separation anxiety is getting better! He still cries but not nearly as bad, he is used to my family and Colton's family now, but with people he never met before is a different story, and can you blame him? But he's been teething so he's been in pain so he just now started crying and I looked at Colton
"Babe can you get his teething ring out of the freezer?" I said and he nodded as he got up and got it and gave it to me as I handed it to Liam so he can put it in his mouth and he calmed down
"Does that feel better bubby" I said and he just looked at me
"I know it hurts" I said and my mom came up
"Can I have some mimi time?" She asked and I smiled
"Sure can" I said and she took him and she was just smiling at him and I took a picture of them for snapchat
"His loves his mimi ❤" I put and Katherine spoked up and her husband Tony was standing next to her
"So, we have a announcement" She said and we all looked at her knowing where this is going and she held up the ultra sound picture
"We are having a baby" She said and everyone cheered and it was so loud it scared Liam and we chuckled
"Bubby it's okay" I said as my mom handed him to me and he stopped crying
"Nothing better then mommy's arms" Christina said and we laughed and we all got up and congratulated Kath and everything,  Christina already left because Olivia was getting cranky, and Liam is being so good so we stayed a while, he is sitting on Colton's laps playing and it was just me and Katherine in the kitchen picking up and doing dishes and I spoked up
"Welcome to motherhood" I said and she smiled and I spoked up
"How are you feeling?" I asked and she just made a look
"I'm nervous" She said and I looked at her
"Katherine, don't be, you've always been amazing with kids, you're born to be a mom" I said and she smiled and spoked up
"How did you feel when you had Liam?" She asked and I took a breath
"Katherine my whole life changed when I had Liam" I said and spoked up
"But in the best way possible" I said and she smiled and Colton came in with Liam and Liam reached out to me and she smiled
"Gosh I can't wait for this moment" She said and I smiled
"It's truly amazing" I said

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