Chapter 13

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Lauren's POV
Me and Brandon are on our way to Lisa's and Colton's house to babysit Liam while they go out baby free tonight, they honestly need it. We pulled up and we walked out of the car and Brandon spoked up
"I'm excited to see baby Liam!" He said and I chuckled and I knocked and Lisa came and opened it and she was wearing a red dress and I spoked up
"Wow, look at you!" I said and she chuckled and I spoked up
"Where's Liam?" I asked
"He is in the living room with Colton, but also he will be hungry soon, so he has baby food up in the cabinet, he likes the banana and there's a bottle made for when he goes bed" She said and I nodded
"Does he still sleep in the bassinet?" I asked and she shook her head
"We are trying to get him to sleep in his crib, which he took his nap in there today, but since it will be his first night, you can have him sleep in his bassinet until we get back, because I don't know how he will react yet" She said and I nodded
"Other then that you got his toys, he had his bath,  and he's been teething so he has teething rings  in the freezer just in case and he loves them" She said and spoked up
"And you know where's the changing table and everything is too but if you still have any problems or anything do not hesitate to call me" She said and I chuckled because you can tell it's her first time leaving Liam with anyone without her
"Lisa it's going to be fine" I said and she took a breath
"Okay, sorry first time I left him with someone" She said and I chuckled
"It will be okay, seriously you guys need this, Liam will be fine" I said and she smiled and spoked up
"Colton are you ready?" She said as we were walking down the stairs and he spoked up
"Yeah" He said as he got up and handed me Liam
"Hey little man" I said smiling at him and he smiled back and Lisa looked at him
"Hey we will be back later okay bubby, bye bye" She said as she kissed his cheek and Colton said his goodbye
"Have fun guys" I said and they walked out the door and as soon as the door shut, Liam started crying
"Oh no, it's okay, they'll be back soon" I said bouncing him up and down and Brandon spoked up
"Why is he crying?" He asked and I gave him a look
"Because he doesn't like when Lisa leaves the room or anything" I said and he nodded
"Here let me have him" He said as I handed him to him and he was still crying
"Awe come on dude" He said and after a little bit, Liam stopped crying and I smiled and he reached out for me
"Hey buddy" I said and I took him into the kitchen and started feeding him and he was making funny noises and clapping his hands together and I was just smiling
"He's so cute" Brandon said and I smiled
"He is" I said and he was done eating and my phone was going off and it was Lisa so Brandon took him into the other room and started playing with him

"Hey" I said and she spoked up
"Hey, just checking on Liam? He's doing okay?" She asked and I smiled
"He started crying at first but he's doing great! He just ate and now he's playing with Brandon" I said and she spoked up
"That is incredible! Thank you guys so much! We will actually be home soon!" She said and I spoked up
"Take your time, but you're welcome sis!" I said
"Love you Laur, I'll see you later" She said
"I love you too!" I said and hung up and I walked in the living room to see Brandon with Liam on his lap watching paw patrol and I just smiled at the sight, I can't wait for it to be my family one day

Happily Ever After (sequel to Mbnf) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora