Chapter 34

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Lisa's POV
Today me and my sisters are doing a interview and the guy spoked up 
"Hey guys I am with the one and only cimorelli' he said and we smiled
"Hey" We said and he spoked up
"Obviously you guys have been a band for a while and things are still going good?"  He asked and we nodded and Christina spoked up
"We definitely are proud of how much we have accomplished and it amazing of how much our fans still support us after all these years and we can't thank enough" She said and we all agreed with her and he spoked up
"So some of you guys have kids now?" He asked and we nodded and spoked up
"Okay let's start off by telling us your name and saying how many kids you have and their names" He said and he started with Christina first
"Well I'm Christina, and I have 4 kids, a 6 year old girl name Olivia, 4 year old boy name Roman, a 2 year old name Zachariah, and a 1 year daughter name Ally" She said and gave it to Katherine
"I'm Katherine and I have two kids, I have a boy name Reese who is 3 and a little girl name Emma" She said and we smiled and I took it
"I'm Lisa, and I have 5 year old boy name Liam, and two girls who are Sophia who is 3 and Ariel who is 1" I said and I handed it to Amy and she spoked up
"I'm Amy, I have a son name Kaden who is 1" She said and she gave it to Lauren
"I'm Lauren and I'm actually pregnant right now with my first" She said and she handed hers to Dani and she spoked up
"I'm Dani, and I'm just now got engaged so no kids yet" She said and we smiled
"Wow, that's crazy, how is it to have kids so close in age?" He asked and I spoked up
"We absolutely love it because our kids always have someone to play with and I feel like since there's not much of a age difference they get to experience everything together and it just really good" I said and they all agreed
"Is it bad having kids so close together? Like do they fight?" He asked and Christina spoked up
"They do fight, but like Lisa said it's good because they do stuff together like potty training and stuff like that, and it makes it easier" She said and we nodded and he spoked up
"So the top question...who is easier girls or boys?" He asked and we chuckled and I spoked up
"Honestly I've been trying to potty train Sophia for the past two weeks, and Liam literally took two days, but attitude wise it's about even, but my kids are actually surprisingly calm" I said and Christina spoked up
"They really are" She said and he spoked up
"Really?" And I nodded
"You would think that since Liam is a 5 year boy he would be wild and everything but no, he is like the calmest kid out there" I said and they all agreed and I spoked up
"But Ariel's personality is starting to come out and I feel like she's gonna give me a taste of my medicine, she is already the sass queen"  I said and they all chuckled and He spoked up
"So why do you think that is with the kids being calm I mean?" He asked and I spoked up
"I feel like since that Colton and I both are calm people, like Colton isn't shy by any means and would literally talk to himself in a mirror but he doesn't have that hyper personality which is Liam for sure, and I'm a calm person but more introverted so I feel like that Sophia is going to be a lot like me, which scared me" I said laughing and then the other girls started talking about their kids and we talked about band stuff and  everything and the guy spoked up
"Okay so we are going to ask some questions" He said pointing to the audience and we nodded and one of them ask
"Which one of you is the strictest parents?" They asked
"None" I said laughing and Christina spoked up
"We all have different parenting styles, but I have to admit I love Lisa parenting style" She said and I looked at her
"Awww really?" I said and she nodded and then someone asked
"Who changed the most since first starting the band" they asked and Christina spoked up
"Lauren and Dani because they were so young" She said and then the guy spoked up
"Okay last question" He said and he pointing at someone and they asked their question
"Is it hard to have a band and a family?" They asked and I spoked up
"Well I'm a mother and wife first, but so far it's been great, I wouldn't trade nothing for the world" I said and they all agree and Christina spoked and then the guy spoked up
"Well thank you for coming guys, we really appreciate it!" He said and then the interview was over and we ended up going home.

Happily Ever After (sequel to Mbnf) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя