Chapter 20

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Colton's POV
Today Lisa are at the hosptial for her D/C and they just got done and they came and got me and Lisa was in her bed and was sound asleep and the doctor spoked up
"We are gonna keep her here for a few hours to see how's she's doing, but I will warn you she will be pretty loopy" He said and I nodded  and I walked up to her and she opened her eyes
"Hey babe" I said and she just look at me
"How are you feeling?" I asked and she spoked up
"Can we go home?" She asked and I chuckled
"We still got a little bit" I said and she tried to get up
"No you need to stay there and rest" I said and she shook her head
"I don't need rest, I have to record tommorrow!" She said and I spoked up
"Babe yes you do need rest, recording gonna have to wait!" I said which Lisa and the girls arw not doing any band stuff this week due to the miscarriage and she just laid back down and took a breath and then my phone went off and it was Lynne

L: How's Lisa?

C: she is fine! She is pretty loopy at the moment, but I don't know how she will feel after the anesthesia wears off! Hopefully we get to go home soon!

L: Okay! Let me know when you guys do get home! Do you want me to bring Liam? I'll be more then happy to keep him tonight so both of you can rest tonight

C: I would hate to do that! You been having him a lot!

L: Listen, you guys are in a tough bind right now, I will keep him tonight and I'll bring him home tommorrow, I really hope Lisa is doing okay, and I hope that you are doing okay too Colton, we love you both so much, always there for ya!

C: Thank you so much Lynne! I'll keep you updated on her.

The doctor came in and Lisa spoked up

"When can I go home!!!" She asked anxiously

"Right now lise" He said as he pulled in a wheelchair and she looked at it
"I don't need that!" She said and I chuckled
"Babe, it's probably best if we use it" I said and she tried to stand up
"Lise!" I said and she just sit there, gosh, and to think I thought she was stubborn before  and looked at me and spoked up
"You're cute" She said and I chuckled
"Thank you lise" I said as I helped her to the wheelchair and we got to the car and I helped her in the passenger seat and I drove home and helped her into bed and she immediately fell asleep which honestly is the probably the best she slept all week, and I decided to take a picture of Lisa and post it

ColtonMatthews23: This probably the best Lisa has slept all week. It makes me happy that she is finally getting some good rest. As you guys know we have been having a tough couple of days as we lost our baby that we were so excited for. We have had so much support and can not thank you enough! We are taking it one day at a time.

Happily Ever After (sequel to Mbnf) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora