1) This isn't the focal point of the story, is it?

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I personally don't understand authors notes at the beginning of a chapter. It personally feels like it takes me out of the story to say,

"Hey I'm writing this"

So if you want to read my thoughts on a chapter then they will be at the end of the chapter. Just so I can say

"Hey I wrote this"

All joking aside,

Enjoy the chapter...

That I wrote.

I can't remember exactly when I noticed such a small, insignificant thing that most people wouldn't even notice. But ever since I did, my life became easier.

Whenever my eyes would lock with a child's they would laugh or smile. I never knew why, I just assumed that children acted like that to everyone. But, that wasn't the case.

I'm unaware of how or why, but all I know is that children find happiness in a loser like me, they find amusement in a nerd.

But with this strange- I can't really describe it... it's like a strange ability I had but it happened... passively?

I'm getting off topic.

But with this strange passive ability came a perfect opportunity...


Obviously, it's not full time. It's just a part-time job that I do on ocassions to help out local parents, who want to spend time with their significant other or just want to spend a night away from responsibilities.

As a teenager, the money I earned is used for savings. As for how the job goes...it's rather simple; I arrive at the time I'm supposed to, the parents tell me when to put the kid(s) to bed and if they have a baby they'll leave me with the supplies needed. After the parents leave I play with the child(ren) before they become tired and go to sleep.

Now, depending on how quickly I get the child(ren)to bed, it would allow me to have a short/long period of time to enjoy my hobby.

Now, what's my hobby? Well, it's possibly one of the greatest past times imaginable, but, people rarely do it. It's called...


People my age rarely believe me when I say that, then again, I don't talk to people my age that much.

Now, you might wonder why I like babysitting (interacting with children) but yet don't like talking to teenagers?

To put it bluntly...

I prefer playing with children.


No wait!

That came out wrong.

Um... I don't know how to phrase it.

But, before you jump to assumptions and think I'm some kind of creep who you should alert the police too, let me at least try to convey what I mean;

You see children in my eyes are more fun to be around. They're still new to the world and so when I talk to them they have so many stories that they find fascinating in their eyes, but to teenagers, they seem dumb.

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