5) The calm before the storm that slowly crept into my life

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Friends. They're few and far between for me. I wasn't like other people, at least they had a few people that they could consider friends, but with me, it just wasn't the case

That's the realisation I had been experiencing all day. It started with Deroc's suggestion, of meeting with the girl, that flame was doused after my attempt of friendship was engulfed into the ember.

Yet, It was still Friday, it had only been an hour since lunch and the awkward exchange between me and the strange girl still played in my mind but I finally let the thoughts leave the bouncing walls of my brain as I heard an all to familiar sound,


Right on cue

The next lesson I had was my final lesson of the day. My school worked on a two-week timetable system, a timetable of subjects that switched around every other week. For PE, I had it at the start and end of this week PE while on the other week I would have it sometime on Wednesday and at the end of Friday.

As I stood up from my desk, I began to walk out of the- "Phillip, could you stay behind for a moment" I froze. I looked to see who had asked me to stay to see my eyes fall upon Mr Draydon, the fact that he was looking at me and his the distinct deep voice that stood out from the pubescent gargling of my surrounding age group allowed me to deduce it was him with ease. It also helped that I had been stuck, listening to his voice nonstop for the entirety of an hour.

I stayed behind my seat, watching the rest of the students from my class exit out of the door near Mr Draydon's desk.

What did he want from me?

I hadn't disturbed the lesson, I hadn't done anything to warrant me staying behind. As I approached, I couldn't help but see him writing on a slip

"Yes sir?" I asked, still unsure of the purpose of staying back.

He pushed himself off his desk and held the slip that he had been writing at arms length of me "Here" he said, handing me it.

I took the slip out of his hand, before I could look at it to question what it was, he already answered "If my memory serves me correctly, you should have PE next," he began "We don't want a repeat of Monday, do we?" He chuckled at the thought and I couldn't help but chuckle myself

As the two of us shared a simple chuckle together I couldn't help but feel a sense of  bondage...

Actually that's probably not a good way of describing it as it sounds... kind of dirty... plus me calling Mr Draydon a sadist doesn't help with that either.

It was more on the lines of a mutual acquaintance.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of are mutual acquaintanceship growing as we laughed along with each other

I began to walk towards the door to leave his class "Thank you, sir" I said as I began to turn to my body towards the exit, but I was stopped

"Phillip" I froze once again, before turning my head back to my maths teacher. He had clicked his fingers just momentarily before calling me again, I could only assume he had realised he had to tell me something else "Could you come by after school, I'd like to discuss something with you"

Discuss something?


Like what?



Oh god...

No! Not again!

Stupid dirty head!

Babysitting the Bad Girl's Brother: Who do you protect?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon