3) Blissfully unaware

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When I woke up, I knew nothing



My eyes slowly rose from their slumber, my vision blurred. I was shortsighted, meaning that without my glasses I couldn't see objects far away from me, so when I glanced to the far away surroundings and they were blurred I didn't think none the wiser.

As I tried to launch myself up off of whatever I was lying down on, I was immediately stopped by an overwhelmingly painful headache. Its unexpectedness forced me back down.

My eyes looked around to see where I was. There was a hospital curtain covering the view to the left of me while my right gave me a view outside. My vision may be blurry, but I still recognised the view of the front of my school, even in its blurred state. I was in the school's infirmary. In my month of being at the school, I surprisingly hadn't been in here.

Main word 'hadn't'


Why was I here?

My brain tried to answers the question but all that came out was blurred memories.

I felt light.

Well, my head felt light-

No, wait, scratch that... I felt like hell.

As I lay on the hospital bed, which was undeniably uncomfortable, I looked for some kind of clock, something to tell the time.

The room was a bright white. When people wake up in a white room their perception of time is greatly affected, so a clock could help me immensely by allowing me to know the time of day.

I saw one. Well... I think I did.

It was on the wall in front of me but it was too far away to make it out. I let out a sigh of frustration.

I was in, what I assumed was my school's infirmary, without any knowledge of the time or why I was even here.

The only thing I had to go off was my murderous headache. I decided to try and figure out why I had the said headache.

Let's see... a headache, that's at the back of my skull...

A concussion?

How did that-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone

"You're awake?" A voice questioned.

I could only assume the voice was referring to me, so I replied "Yeah." It was at that moment that I realised how dry my throat was, I barely heard myself.

But the person who the voice belonged to must have had fantastic hearing as they replied "Good"



"What... happened?" My own voice said projecting my thoughts out loud.

A figure made their way into my sight. From where I was in the room, I could barely see the person I was talking to, the only thing I had to go off was the fact that the voice belonged to a man and the blurred outline of his figure.

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