17) Normality

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Yesterday, in actuality, had not thrown another curveball.

Instead, it had gone on with nothing of note happening. We 'saved' Larry and went on our separate ways.

But now it was today, Friday, making it the final day till the half-term came and gave me a luxurious week from this atrocious inferno hellscape.

Two months had nearly passed since I had arrived here and it's rather daunting with how much has changed.

The first month was bad. Downright irritating and obnoxious. Getting used to this place, getting used to seeing Mara & Deroc and being unable to communicate with them properly. All of this lying and deceit was for them, and so I kept up the most pristine framework of not knowing them. When they had gotten together during the first month I was truly happy for them. I just wished I could be a part of their group dynamic. But, I knew that would not come to pass.

As for my second month here, it's truly been a wild ride. It's been worse and better than the first month in largely different ways.

For one, Caylnn's introduction was a turning point for myself. Though my memory is still hazy around the time of her joining, I know she's made a true impact. Her presence leaves only fear in its wake. She's a true threat to Deroc and his men. All in all, Caylnn was an appreciated newcomer. However, her attitude towards me was just as inconsistent as the extravagant British weather.

I had taken the liberty to wash those terrible things she considered comfortable clothes and placed the black clothes back into her duffel bag on the outskirts of the east-side of the school. I grabbed my bag that was left behind next to the duffel bag and shoved my school uniform from yesterday into it.

Back to recent changes, another point of contention was Brendan, an interesting individual indeed. One minute, he was a brainless brute, the next thing I knew, he showed signs of rational thought. I could feel myself pulling down his barriers, with enough time and precision I would be able to tear them down in one fell swoop. I just had to be patient when it came to him.

Then, there were my two new friends, Isabella and Asher. Both were just as fun and amusing as the other. They truly were great people to talk to. Their humour was similar to mine, our conversations (while lacking substance on hobbies) showed quite a lot of similarities. They were relatable to me and that's what made them perfect to talk to. On some level, I saw me within them. Though our conversations lacked intimacy, neither they nor I had talked about our home lives all that much, though Asher seemed more willing to talk about family troubles.

Not to say Isabella is less of a friend for not talking about her issues, but I was going to babysit Isabella's brother at five tonight, that had to show the trust between us. I'm quite... content with the relationships I've gained, though it wouldn't hurt becoming closer as friends.

'Ring, ring, ring!' Went the obnoxious bells throughout the school, I could do with a few days away from those ear-piercing things.

Today wasn't actually that bad. Sure, a few remarks, a push and shove here and there but I strangely liked it, it felt... normal. It was so weird, I would never have of thought being picked on could give me a sigh of relief, but it had. Things seemed normal; life seemed correct.

A shame really. The school's day was nearly over and I'm the one who's about to mess with natural order.

I was walking to a group of people, my target was merely one of them, yet I knew it wouldn't be easy to extract my him. From within a cesspool of heathens was two with the slightest amount of rational. But I only wanted one of them.

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