12) A Lot to Process

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I suppose I have quite a few.

It's strange to look at myself and see a man that has faced many quarrels.

In my lifetime I've gone through a multitude of ideals and views that have cultivated into who I am today. My actions were a result of my views taking action if something was unjustified in my eyes, then I'd try to rectify it.

At my old school, Emric academy, the idea of someone going against the status quo (i.e. defying me and my friends) was ridiculous. The idea of respecting those above you was enforced through force.

Back then... I'd guess you'd consider me a brute. I was second in command to my best friend. He was a great guy.

As the second in command, it was my job to make sure no one defied us. Nerds had cowered at our presence, goths scoffed but kept their distance.

But now, everything was different. My situation was flipped.

I was the nerd, and the enforcement at this school was ludicrous yet looking back on it, it's just like my old school.

Emric academy was a simpler time, mainly because I was the one in control.

But now...


Not so much.

Brendan had slammed me against a wall.

Yesterday, I had noticed that Brendan was the only person who didn't physically hurt me.

That fact was technically still true.

"Did you spread this shit!" My assailant asked, further hoisting me off the ground. Brendan was strong, I always knew that, but the feats his muscles performed was awe-inspiring.

If only I could be that strong.

I had been, but that body, as said before, was lost several months in the past. I have no chance of fighting off anyone. Even dirty tactics like: spitting and going for damaged limbs hadn't helped in my fight against Simon and his merry men of fuckwits.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I suppose some more context is in order. It's Wednesday meaning it's another day of stupid drama.

It's dinner time, meaning anyone and everyone has exactly 30 minutes on their favourite, free, premium quality punching bag named 'Phillip Carr'.

Brendan had come out of nowhere a minute or two once the timer had started. His shackles were gone, any sign of passive aggression was removed from yesterday's conversation, leaving only hate.

"I hear everyone is calling us friends!" His grip tightened, "and if I didn't know any better, I'd say you spread it."

"Why would I do that?"

His grip somehow tightened, "To protect yourself, if we're friends then everyone's respect for me goes down the fucking drain, and you can reap the rewards." My body was forced into the wall with further pressure, "Sounds like a good enough reason to me!"

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