19) Deviation

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Today was Saturday, meaning that today was the official start to the ever so needed school break.

Finally, a week to truly relax! A week away from my school life, a time to celebrate the ever-approaching haunting holiday. October is nearing its conclusion and Halloween was steadily approaching.

My own house was now decorated in the festive spirit, skeletons hung around in and outside in a dark display of suicide as the rope brandished a death to the skeletal corpses, ones of either a quick fate through the snap of the neck or strangulation. The fact the necks were still in tack meant the deaths of these plastic skeletons was easy enough to infer.

Fun times for all!

My mother always had a way with peculiar humour. Pumpkin heads and fake blood galore provided the horrifying comedy in spades.

The whole neighbourhood was a brightly lighten nightmarish landscape. Children will scream with fright as the dawn of costumes with ghastly ghouls threatening to frighten the people stupid enough to fall for the childish tricks approached.



My body may as well have been one of the skeletons on the wall as my soul leapt to the solidified brick, my scream matched that of a dying hyena.

My freight derived from the one that had scared me, none other than the goblin I was babysitting.

"Hey, you said I could scare him!"

Make that two horrific little goblins.

At the moment, I was babysitting a familiar pair of twins I had babysat just two weeks ago. God it feels so long ago. It was Mrs Edwin's children, Gale and Aida.

For the sake of my sanity, these two feverish devils were tempered -though they lacked the nerf-guns from last time. The night I had played with them in our onslaught was a vicious violence of a rubbery bullet-soaked bloodbath. Though, my memory of the night was still drabbled by my lack of recollection. At this point, I probably have brain damage.

Now, instead of battle-hardened warriors of old, the twins adopted the appearance of nightmarish freights... directing their scares to me and only me.

They've succeeded. Numerous times.

However, my expressed fear did not come completely from the twins scaring me, but rather the children looking at what I was doing as they played.

As mentioned before, one of Phantom's men, Oliver (if I remember correctly), had a folder within his pockets that I had taken the liberty of borrowing.

Borrowing indefinitely.

The folder contained a slew of documents, documents that took thorough analysis to interpret any meaning. For whatever reason, these documents were coded. Morse code was child's play compared to the absurdity of this code and its meaning.

For whatever reason, each page consisted of an unknown code to myself. The very first few pages consisted of numerical nonsense, it was either 1's or 0's with spaces between them after the eighth interval before continuing across several pages.

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