8) A perfect plan

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It's something everyone has experienced, whether it be physical or emotional.

And here I was, repeatedly cursing under my breath as an ice pack was placed onto my sprain; the cold clashed with my skin as well as the swelling.

"There we go," said my... mentor? I suppose Mr Draydon was my mentor. He had entrusted me with such a vital role as a nurse after all.

But, I still questioned if I was ready for my role. I'd have to wait till after dinner time to find out.

"Thanks, sir," I said taking the ice pack off my teacher so I could hold it myself.

I sat on one of the infirmary's beds instead of laying like the last time I had been injured.

"Phillip, before I send you off. Can you be honest with me?" My teacher began.

At that moment my heart began to run a mile a minute. My thoughts almost made me turn my head back to the window that I had opened during my plan of daring escape from Deroc and Brendan, only for it to flop miserly. I restrained myself from looking at said window, as to not make it obvious that I was aware of what he was talking about. That didn't last for long.

"Sure sir," I answered, my mind lingering on what he would say.

"Did you lock the infirmary door?" He asked, his tone was impossible to read.

And with that, my heart continued to run a mile a minute while also descending down an endless hill of spikes.

I looked to the window then back to my teacher. I couldn't say anything, my breath hitched before it even came out.

And with my voice going silent, my answer had already been said.

A sigh escaped my teacher's lips. He had already caught on to the silent answer.

"Phillip." His voice came off as assertive but I could tell there lingered some concern "By locking the infirmary door you blocked others from coming in. What if someone -and someone did- need help, would you have just left them there to struggle with whatever their problem was? Because you did." Mr Draydon's voice sounded as though a bit of venom had been added to the tip of his tongue. It was as though he was trying to keep a balance of anger and calmness, though it was obvious his voice was lingering on the former.

The realisation of my actions was something I had realised earlier whilst thinking in the pouring rain and yet... hearing my mistake being said aloud, I felt more disgusted by my actions.

So what if Deroc and Brendan came into the infirmary? I doubt they would've helped Simon((?) still don't know if that's his name,). If I had helped them then I could have made them promise not to snitch on me to Simon(?), all I would need to do in return is let them have whatever they wanted.

It was a perfect plan.

If only I had planned it sooner.

My eyes glanced to my teacher and when they connected I felt my inside's shrivel up, forming a knot-like feeling in my gut.

I couldn't say anything. I've never been a fan of receiving repercussions for my actions, but I have started to see a noticeable pattern recently, whenever I try to find answers about anything that's been happening, I seem to be going down an already tracked road that I don't want to go through again.

"I- I'm sorry sir" I murmured,

I sounded like a child.

Being told off was something that had always angered me due to how powerless I felt. There's no use of arguing with a teacher, less you want to end up in a further trouble.

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