Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ryu stumbles from the arena, gasping hard. I clap him on the shoulder, and he flinches from the strain. "I never knew the body could feel this much pain, pup."  

I grin at him, looking past his shoulder at the dazed nobleman that's limping off the field. His Diviner weapon, a thin dagger, sits in a pool of conjured water. "At least you could stand at the end of the fight. That's more than we can say for your opponent."

Ryu shakes his head like a dog, his black hair soaked with saltwater, bruises blooming on his bare arms. "I know we're in the middle of a desert, but I don't think I ever want to see water again."

I comb my fingers fondly through his hair. "You look like a mess. What illusion did you even conjure out there to gain the upper hand? From what I saw, you were just getting thrown around by tidal waves like you were a ragdoll."

Ryu blushes, red staining his cheeks into a warmer color. "I made him see Elio standing there instead of me." He beams proudly. "He was so shocked that he dropped me, giving me enough time to incapacitate him."

"And now the real Elio is here to celebrate our little team's first victory!" The prince lumbers up behind us, dragging us both in a hug. His arm stay for a little while longer around Ryu than is necessary, and Ryu giggles with happiness.

I dig my bare toes into the sand, tugging my robe so that it conceals the swell where I hid my Diviner's mirror beneath my bandages. I can feel that it has gotten colder since I'd fed my spirits, as though the universe is trying to tell me that the magic I have is forbidden.

That I truly am an evil witch.

"Next battle!" A herald from the temple of the Elder steps into the blood-soaked arena, his attire glittering beneath the sun with celestial-colored thread. He purses his lips in distaste as his shoes touch a particularly dark-colored stain. "Prince Elio the Chosen will fight Arno, son of the General Ibrahim."

"General Ibrahim had a son?" I snap back to attention.

"Ibrahim, my father's finest general." Elio readjusts his armor, more for looks than anything. "If I'm correct in remembering, your father Ngayoh took an arrow for him. General Ngayoh was a monster on the battlefield, much like you are today. He's still injured from that arrow, isn't he?" I wince, thinking of my father limping around the house, leaning on our maidservant, depending on her now that I'm gone to fight in his name.

The prince looks at me from the corner of his eyes, the gold in them glinting warily. "Loyalty. Honor. Honesty. They're all traits of the Elder god Cato, of his empire." He takes my hand in his, examining the calluses, the new gashes from where my ghouls fed. "Your father knows what this empire stands for. Only that blind fool, Kane, believes in lying. And look where his lies got him."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from retaliating. I know a threat when I hear one, and I honestly cannot tell where I stand with Elio. Does he think I'm as bloodthirsty as my father, but have the potential to be turned into a weapon to be used by the empire? Or does he assume I'm a traitor like Kane, ready to overthrow Elio's precious kingdom with a power that I don't even yet understand?

Whatever it is, the moment passes as Elio turns away from me to smile pleasantly at Ryu. The darkness over his face lifts like a death shroud. "You're my good luck charm." He whispers to Ryu. Ryu grins and whispers something back that I can't hear. Let them have this time together. I still care for Ryu like he's my own flesh and blood, and I hope Elio treats him well.

If he doesn't, then I really will have to destroy him like Kane tried to do to Cato.

Prince or no.


Hello my Champions!

Remember who Arno is, he comes back later.


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