Call for Fan Art - Email Below

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To all those of the Rahasian Empire, the Divine Realm of the Before, the Jiwanese Islands, the Kingdoms of the North in Idriola. From the warrior villages of Raja to the trade city of Rahasia...

To everyone beyond the known realms of this world: a world of gods, heroes, villains, and everyone in-between.



*dramatic music crashes lamely as the author reappears from behind the curtain*

Sophia: Ahem, sorry. I never know how to arrange these entrance things.

*Ryu strides in, holding a stringed instrument*

Ryu: Awww, and I had composed such a nice musical number. I even had the royal orchestra attend me.

*Ode, yawning, lopes in with a scimitar*

Ode: Good, it was getting boring. I'd much rather swing a sword than watch theater.

*Elio arrives, with an entourage of five scholars and seven anxious nobles in tow*

Elio: Would both of you calm down? I have a kingdom to run!


*grumbling, everyone exits the stage, leaving the author in a lone spotlight*


Well, if anybody made some fan art, it'd much be appreciated.

I'll leave this here.

EMAIL if you have any fan art to send me (and comment below to be extra nice). It could be a poem. It could be a sketch you made of what you think Elio would look like as a Northern monarch. It could be gender-swapped versions. Whatever your heart desires.

Within reason.

Best with peace and love!


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