Chapter Eighty-Two

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I go through the rest of the house and finally find Ratu and Arno tied back-to-back on the floor of my father's bedroom. They're lying on their sides, and I see scuffing on the floor from their failed attempts at trying to wriggle their way out of the Empire-standard cords. My father, on the other hand, sleeps uneasily on the bed, his neck tied loosely to the bedpost with a rope looped like a noose.

"Sayang!" Ratu cries, eyes sparkling. "Wait, what happened to your eye?"

"Who cares? She's finally here." Arno throws his head back with a sigh. "Dammit, Ode, I bet Ratu two gold pieces you'd get here before the moon came up."

I sheathe my bloody scimitar. "I'm sorry. I broke my back in the Pit. Came back from the Before, practically from the dead."

"What I'm hearing is that's four gold you owe me." Ratu sticks her tongue out at Arno, and I grin to see her so happy.

Almost normal.

Kane strolls in casually behind me, running his long fingers through his silver-lit hair, dark skin gleaming, one eye glowing red, the other glowing from within.

Arno and Ratu turn extremely pale. My father still sleeps.

"Ah," Kane grins, frosty teeth shining from his onyx skin, "let me introduce myself." He bows, and with a snap of his fingers, the cords binding Arno, Ratu, and my father fall to the floor. "I'm the Blind God."

Arno breaks the silence first.

"Well, Kane, you're tracking mud in here," he scowls, "I just swept these floors!"

Ratu chimes in next, "Ode, I'm disappointed. You never told me you had a demon for a lover. He's handsome. Does every Setan look like him?"

Kane frowns. He was not expecting that reaction from a bunch of mortals. I laugh and hug them all to me. "I'm so glad I'm able to see you guys again."

Ratu nuzzles her nose into my hair, "we are too, Ode," she's sighing softly, "we are too."



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A fluff chapter... before it all goes dark again.


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