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Something about these guest were making my mom uneasy, but she almost seemed a bit excited. She kept sneaking glances at me  like she was worried about how I would react. I look at her and ask "Mom, where's Dad?" She frowns but says "Oh, he's in the lab." I had a moment to think about how strange it was that dad wasn't in the kitchen with our guest blabbing on about ghost, when we stepped into the kitchen from the living room. Once inside I was able to see a middle age man with broad shoulders black hair and blue almost grey eyes. He seemed like he was probably tall too but it was hard to tell since he was sitting down. Beside him was a younger man with black hair and blue eyes the exact same shade as mine, except he was slim more of a swimmers build. 

They stood as we entered the kitchen and oh, look at that the older man was as tall as my Dad. So not fair, ugh, I'm going to be short forever, nope focus Fenton. My Mom smiles and says "Danny I would like you to meet Bruce Wayne and his oldest son Richard Grayson." I smile and shake Mr. Wayne's hand then turn to Richard, he smiles and says you can call me Dick. After asking them if they want anything, which they both politely refuse, she says brightly "I guess the only thing to do is get on with it then." She looks at me and says "Danny, you know your adopted?" (well yeah its never been a secret) I thought to myself, I nod at her to continue wondering where this was going. She says "Well, Mr. Grayson was also adopted by Mr. Wayne, however the two of you share the same biological parents." She pauses for a second then says "Your brothers." My mind went blank. Brother?

It was too much, after the day I had, it was way too much. My parents couldn't have warned me about this and that they would be coming here?!!!!! I took a deep breath desperately trying not to let my eyes flash green again. I look at them with a shaky smile and say "It's nice to meet both of you, but could you excuse me for a moment?"" Of course" Mr. Wayne answers, Dick looked upset, I think because he could tell I was. I felt guilty about that but I had to get out of the house before I completely lost it.

I went toward my room and when I knew it was clear I transformed into my ghost half, and flew out of town well away from people, lifted my head toward the sky and screamed out my frustration, which turned into my ghostly wail. After I was drained of most of my energy and anger I had just enough strength to fly home before I was forced back into human form. I went downstairs and sat back in my chair. 

I looked at Mr. Wayne and my brother, that's going to take some getting used to,  I say "sorry I needed a minute to process," but I looked at Dick and say," brother huh?" "Yep" he says with a smile. "That's cool" I reply, "I always wanted a brother." He smiles even wider at that. I looked at my Mom who was still watching me with worry, I smiled nervously, feeling more than a little guilty about my reaction, and say "I'm sorry I took off on you." She smiles guiltily and says "It's okay sweety, are you okay?" I nod and say "It's a lot to take in. "That's understandable" Mr. Wayne says, "I'm sure you have questions." I take a deep breath and say "Yeah, I'm not sure where to start." He smiles gently at me and says "How about we leave and give you and your family time to discuss and process everything?" I have to get back to Gotham in the morning, but Dick will be staying all week  if you want to get together and talk about everything." I feel relief sweep through me, I'm not quite ready for this particular conversation yet. Dick left me his contact information, looking reluctant to leave, I smile and say "maybe we can have lunch tomorrow, since it's Saturday." "Oh, I mean...." I glance over at my mom, she frowns but says "I think we can make an exception this time." I grin at her and say "Thanks mom"and give her a  quick hug. Dick agrees to meet me for lunch.

 Mom looks at me and says, "do you want to talk?"" Later", I reply, "I'm going to go lay down for a bit before dinner if that's okay." She looks at me with a soft look and says "Sure, I'm here if you need me."  I hug her again and say "Thanks mom," I give her a tired smile and go to my room where I flop face first into my bed. I knew I wouldn't be  be getting any sleep, my mind was going around in circles, I have a brother I thought, that's kind of cool.I hope. I just hope he's not like Dash or no, no , no he seemed alright. I need to think about what to ask him. Too bad I don't have my phone, Sam and Tuck are never going to believe this.

A/N: So in my story Danny was twelve when he got his powers, everything that happened in the series still happened except Phantom planet. He's currently fourteen. Some things are going to be different from the show (obviously). I beginning to realize how hard it is to put a story out there. You wonder too many details or not enough, oh, crap I keep switching POV is it confusing!!!!!? Etc, etc, so I hope you have a good one outcasts till next time. Edited 12/21/2017

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