Death Rattle

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~"The Raven screeched with rage as the sound of the Old Boar's death echoed in its ears."~

Nearly a day's journey from her homeland Daga felt incredibly ill sitting above deck she let the fresh air wash over her she felt a little bit better till she suddenly felt like she was in a bubble of pressure, looking up she caught sight of none other then Odin himself standing before her.

"Come to gloat?" Daga sneared her face ashen and her eyes bruised.

Odin didn't speak but walked closer towards her. Daga frowned unsurely as he stopped just before her his wizened face severe "Ragnar is dead."

The red head felt as if she had been thrown completely naked into a frozen bed of water and felt as if she could actually feel ice crystals forming within her lungs "What did you say to me?"

The wind picked up around them raged savagely about throwing the boat from side to side as the clouds overhead darkened and words carried forth from the winds.

"How the little piggies will grunt when they hear all the old boar suffered! How the raven will screech in rage when she hears my death has come! I welcome my death no longer afraid and prepare myself for the Valkyries to come and summon me home! Odin prepares a feast of legends and I will drink ale in abundance! My children will see you dead! My daughter will ruin you all!"

Daga stood her body freaking out in complete panic as her heart raced, lightning echoed over head and Daga's eyes reflected it within its depths. Hyperventilating Daga felt her eyes roll up into her head as suddenly she could feel Ragnar's heart stop beating causing her to suddenly scream so fiercely with rage the seas its self shuddered in fear, the clouds turned nearly black as night and a storm fell from the Heavens with no mercy from its strength. The Princess screamed so long her voice grew scratchy causing the scream to turn into a screech that chilled the blood of lesser men and reminded them all of a raven soaring over head.  Her eyes moved rapidly as they watched the image of a large hole in the ground followed by flashes of someone being thrown in all that came after was pain like she had never felt before coursing through her body so hotly it felt as if her veins would melt, thousands of sharp painful pricking feelings washed over her skin leaving tiny puncture wounds bleeding heavily in their place.

As her voice left her and she spit blood from her mouth from the rips to her throat and the damage to her vocal cords she cared not as the world around them settled, the clouds faded away, the waters calmed, the sun even shined. Daga looked ahead at Kattegat over the horizon  and felt the intense heat burning off of the locket around her neck and knew the time was nearly upon her and death and danger was only the beginning. The Princess dripped blood from her scalp to her toes and could taste the extremely bitter mouth drying taste of snake venom on her tongue, she gently sat down upon her knees and began to laugh so hysterically the gurgling wheezing choking sound reminded her warriors of a fallen brother's death rattle.
*AUTHOR'S NOTE!!!* ~ THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE NEVER ENDING SUPPORT ON THIS STORY!!! This is the last chapter for this part in the story and the next part will start up right as this leaves off with Daga back to Kattegat. The Great Heathen Army and much more is coming up soon so please stay tuned!
I'll be taking a small break to work on some more ideas for the next part but stay on the look out for the next story which will be called 'RAVEN' lots of changes are ahead for Daga as the end of her master plan comes to a close and the new world she has strived so hard to create is working and thriving around her. The future is definitely epic for our favorite warriors!! LOTS OF EXCITEMENT!!
Thank you all so much for enjoying this story and being such a loyal fan base for it when I started it I never imagined it would come to be as well received as it has become and I can never repay you guys for that. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart and stay tuned!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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