Trois - 3

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I quickly got up and picked up my book as he gets up to. 's-sorry Enoch' I said as he got up 'don't worry about it' he said forcing a smile. He picked up my glasses and handed them to me. I took it and smiled. He nodded and walked back to his room. 'uh Enoch, can I ask you something?' I asked, remembering the book. 'yes' he said turning around. 'Miss Peregrine said that she didn't buy this book for me' I explained. 'yeah, what's your question?' he asked. 'where did you get this from?' I asked. He didn't answer but instead he walked away to his room. I sighed and shook my head.

I walked into my room and closed my door. I jumped onto my bed and felt something squishy underneath me. I got up and moved my covers up only to find an animal's heart. I felt my anger build and my hair and eyes changing. I grab the animal's heart and stomp into Enoch's room. 'Enoch' I yelled. I stomped out of my room and into his, pushing the door open. 'you keep doing this, leave your pre severed things in your room in their jars' I yelled, slamming the heart onto his desk. 'well maybe you should see where you're going when you walk' he yelled back. 'at least I'm not the one who keeps playing with dolls' I yelled back. 'oh yeah, at least I don't lock myself in room and read books' he said, walking over to where I was standing 'Enoch that's what you do, you lock yourself in room full of used organs and placed them inside your dolls that you play with and do nothing but watch your dolls fight over and over again' I yelled. He walked closer towards me, making me step backwards and hit into a wall. 'at least my hair doesn't go orange and my eyes, red making me look like a hot head' he said 'I hate you' I whispered moving towards the door. 'same to you to' he said 'leave your things in your room' I said before slamming the door behind me.

I walk back to my room as I feel my anger slowly vanishing and my appearance going back to normal. 'Ayanna' I heard Olive call. I looked down the stair rails and see a visitor standing in the kitchen with Olive and Miss Peregrine. I walk down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen. 'hello' I said. 'um Ayanna this is Jacob, Jacob this is Ayanna' Miss Peregrine said, smiling. 'you can call me Jake if you want' he said. He put out a hand for me to shake, I took it and shook and smiled. 'people call me Enuoia' I said. 'that means beautiful thinker in Greek' he said. I smiled and nodded as I let go of his hand. 'I know about you, my grandpa told me, your a metamorphagus meaning you change your appearance at will' he said. 'my emotions controls it along with my peculiarity' I said. He looked at me confused. 'what's your peculiarity?' he asked 'I manipulate my emotions and seeing through things' I said. 'oh, is that why you got angry at Enoch?' he asked. 'no, Enoch just knows how to get up in my hair' I said. I felt my hair become bushy and sit on my shoulders and my eyes turning to green. I walk up to my room and close the door behind me. I walk to my desk and continue to read my book.

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