Ounze - 11

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I finish the last page off before setting my book down next to me. I look around me and grab a bunch of twigs and place them in front of me. I put my hands in front of me and watch the twigs form into a stickman. I flinch as the pain in my hand stings, I try to use my bad hand. I drop my bad hand and try to use my good hand. I turn my fingers making the stickman spin. I smile and before I could do anything else, a soccer ball hits my stickman, flying into pieces. Millard and Hugh ran over and slowed down when I looked up at them. 'Sorry Ayanna' they both said in unison. 'It's  alright, I was gonna go inside anyways' I said. I grabbed my book and got up and
started walking towards the house.

I walk inside and see we have a visitor. 'Ayanna, meet Miss Avocet, Miss Avocet, Ayanna' I smile as she returns the gesture. 'Miss Peregrine, do you have anything for small cuts?' I asked. 'Yes, in the bathroom' she said with a smile. I nodded and make my way to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and look through the cabinets. I look in the mirror and see Enoch standing by the door. I roll my eyes and continue my search. 'What are you doing?' He asked, walking inside the bathroom. 'Looking for the thing that heals small cuts' I answered. He walks by me and reaches for the top cabinet and looks through there. 'Anything?' I asked. 'No' he answers, shaking his head. He looks down at me, realising how close we both are. My breathing hitched as his face was inches from mine. We make eye contact but this time I don't look away. 'I didn't realise how dark your eyes were' he said. I feel myself changing and I can't seem to control it. 'you're changing' he said. I nod. 'your eyes are quiet wonderful, I never really mentioned that' he said. I smiled and then looked down at the ground. He put two fingers underneath my chin and tilted my head up. He put a hand on my cheek and leaned in. I stood frozen, in my spot and closed my eyes, letting Enoch lean in. 'I told you'. Me and Enoch step away from each other and look towards the door. Fiona, Horace, Olive, Emma and Jake all had smiles plastered on their faces. I caught my breath and walk out of the bathroom away from everyone and head towards my room. 

'Children' Miss Peregrine calls. I walk down the stairs as the others join me. 'we need you all down here' We scatter downstairs and follow Miss Peregrine into the parlour. Miss Avocet sitting, shaking. 'They found my new loop' she stuttered. 'the children?' Miss Peregrine asked. 'I tried my best to save them all but there too many hollows' she said. 'I don't know how I escaped' she added. 'it's alright, you are safe now' Miss Peregrine said, sitting next to Miss Avocet. 'none of us are safe' she said. 'they set up a machine in my loop, they set it up in a cellar at Blackpool tower' she said. She looked around. 'they're still there' she added. I looked up confused. 'a machine?' I questioned. 'the experiment' Horace said. 'they intend to do it again' he said. 'only this time using more ymbrynes' Miss Avocet said. 'he still wants to be immortal' I said thinking out loud. 'Do hollows only attack peculiars?' Jake asked. 'no of course not, they're monsters. They'll slaughter anything in their paths' Miss Peregrine answered. 'Well the sheep on the island. They were killed' he said. 'you don't think they could here already?' I asked. I look at Miss Peregrine but she doesn't answer. 'I'm sorry children but we can't remain here' Miss Peregrine said getting up and grabbing the twins hand and walking out. 'what?' Millard says as Miss Peregrine moves past him. 'we leave on the first ferry, off the island tomorrow' she said. 'pack any of importance then it's sandwiches and early bed' she said. 'when do we come back?' Claire asks, scared in her voice. 'never. If Miss Peregrine's not here to reset the loop tomorrow night, the house gets bombed' Enoch said as leaves the parlour. I follow behind Enoch and head towards my room begin to pack my belongs. 

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