Vingt - 20

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I quickly get out from my spot and then hear Bronwyn scream. I look up and see the twins and Claire as Barron's friend tries to reach for them. I put my hand up towards them and shield them off. I think of something that makes me angry and I'm soon faced with Barron's other friend. I shoot a death orb towards him but he freezes it watching it fall to the ground and break into pieces. I begin to back away as he walks towards me while I shoot death orbs at him. He gets to me and his hand touches the middle of my chest, feeling my heart freeze. I try to push him away but it was no use as I my hands begin to freeze. I begin to feel stiff and then fall to the ground.

Enoch's P.O.V

I slowly get up and see that Ayanna was beginning to freeze at the touch of Barron's friend. I watch Fiona throw seeds at him, making them grow on him, blooming flowers and poison ivy. I turn around multiple times and then catch my eye on an old, mechanical elephant. I run towards it and pull out an animal's heart from my pocket and place it inside. I stepped back and watched come it life. It went straight towards Barron's friend and knocked him out.

I ran over to Ayanna as did everybody else with Olive on her other side. 'Ayanna' I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. 'I'm sorry Ayanna, I haven't been any kinder to you for the past seven years and like you said; I am crazy and insane but I only feel that towards you. I never realised how beautiful and kind you are to everybody but me because of the way I treat you and I never got to say these three special words to you; I-I love you' I said. I lean down and gently press my lips against hers. I look down at her hand and bring to my lips 'you do?' I hear her voice. I look down at her again and she's smiling. 

Ayanna's P.O.V

'yes I do' he said, smiling back. I slowly pushed myself off the ground and looked at him. 'you are insane' I said. I pull on his collar making him push his lips against mine. I pull apart and laugh. 

'Olive, take the children to the entrance of the loop' I said and she nods. I look at Enoch and we both head to look for the cellar. 'Enoch, Enouia' we hear Emma's voice. 'where are the others?' she asked. 'They're safe. All of us are on the way to the Ghost Train' I said. 'Jake needs us. Barron's too strong' she said. We nod as understanding.  

We walk along the halls calling out for Jake. 'Jake' Emma said, pushing a door open that looked like it was axed down. We walk in and see two identical Jakes standing in front of us. The right Jake walked up first and pointed at the other Jake. 'Guys? Wait, that's not me. It's Barron' he said and then the other Jake walked forward. 'Don't listen to him. He's Barron' he said. 'I'm Jake. That's Barron' the other one said. Enoch bent down and picked up the crossbow and aimed them at both of them. 'Well I have a better shot than Jake does. So neither of you move till we sort this out' he said. The Jake on the left walked forward and started explaining who he was. 'Listen to me. I'm Jake. I grew up in Florida and I wanted to be an explorer. I never thought nothing would ever change because I was ordinary' he said. Emma turned to me. 'Is it true?' she asked. I looked at both of them and tried to read their minds. 'I can't seem to tell. They're both so closed minded except that Jake is trying to open his mind' I said pointing to the Jake on the right. 'Look you deal with him, I'll go find Miss Peregrine' the other Jake said. Enoch moved his aim towards the left Jake as he slightly jumped back. 

'Wait. I can prove that I'm me. Because I am not ordinary. I can do something that no one else can' the Jake on the right said. We watched the Jake on the left became confused and slowly turned around. 'I can see the monsters' he added. The Jake on the left was lifted in the air and then turned into Barron. The hollow dropped a lifeless Barron and went straight for Jake. 'Enoch' he yelled and Enoch threw the crossbow at Jake. Jake took the shot and killed the hollow. We smile at each other as Jake looks at Emma, Emma's smile fades. 'we need to go' she said. 'the loop is closing' she added. Enoch and me nod and leave the cellar as Emma soon after, follows behind. 


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