Chapter 10: The Step of Trust

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"Am I wrong to say this is terrifying?" Gwen asked, wrapped in a thick fur cloak as they looked out at the barren landscape. "How does one person even do this?" 

Maverick tugged his own cloak tighter, his breath a thick fog with each exhale. As far as the eye could see snow and ice covered the land. From their vantage point, they could see the next village hadn't fared much better than Vellaria.

"I have a feeling things are going to get very interesting," Finny said, brow arched. "I doubt he's still there. He's hunting."

"Hunting?" Port jerked around toward her. "He's not an animal. We aren't chasing some beornach or griffon on the loose."

"Aren't we? He's after someone and he's not going to stop until he finds her."

"Do you think Canya is even up here?" Gwen asked. "She's practically an animal herself. I could see her hiding out in a cave somewhere." She shivered. "What do you think she did with Trey?"

"You think she hurt him?" Maverick asked.

They all fell silent, not saying anything as they made their way to the village.


"This is worse than before," Port said, his voice low as he stared around. The town looked barren, deserted and the bite in the air left them all shivering. 

"Is anyone even here?" Maverick asked and winced. His level volume felt like shouting in the eerie silence. 

Gwen cupped her hands over her mouth. "HELLO? Anyone here?"

There was a crunching, crumbling sound, and an icicle fell from the roof of a building a few feet away, crashing onto the frosted cobblestone.

"Shhhh." A man appeared at their side, a finger to his lips. "What are you trying to do, get impaled?"

"We're trying to find people," Gwen snapped, earning another "shh." 

"This way. Everyone's at the town hall trying to keep warm. Follow me." The man hunched down, weaving through the streets to a larger building. He didn't speak again until they were inside. "As you can see, we're tight on space."

Bodies filled the hall, most hunched together. Even the inside had a layer of ice coating. People wore their cloaks, parents with their arms wrapped around their children. At their entrance, heads turned, people watching with fear and suspicion. 

"I'm sure you're wondering what happened here," the man said, eyeing them with interest.

"No, we know exactly what happened," Finny said.


"Did he leave?" Gwen asked, cutting him off. "Or is he still here?"

"He left. We couldn't tell him where a woman named Canya was, so he destroyed our town and left." 

"This," Maverick said, raising his voice so everyone could hear him, "is what happens when the Militia is left in charge."

"The Militia?" The man who led them in frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Maverick and Gwen launched into their speech, explaining what the Militia had done and how it wasn't going to protect its people.

"How can we be sure you're who you say you are?" someone asked.

Maverick and Gwen, this time uninterrupted, shoved back their cloaks and pulled their tunics to the side, revealing their matching birthmarks.

"We're not lying, and we don't want to take Bainon's throne," Maverick said. "What we DO want, is to protect the kingdom, to find the king, and to stop the Militia."

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