Chapter 10 | The Witch

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As soon as I got onto the horse I froze not knowing what to do so I looked at Heather. I stared at how her feet were in the stirrups, how she was holding the reigns and her posture. I copied this and we started at a walk down the trail.

"Oh my gosh. So today, I heard Tanner and Jake were talking about the new girl." Hannah said smirking at me and I blushed.

"They were probably talking about my streaks or something." I said modestly.

"Sure." she said sarcastically.

"Race you to that log over there!" Heather screamed galloping away. I followed what she did and kicked my horse and he followed the others. I was at a steady canter when the log came closer. I saw Hannah jump, then Heather, and I tried to jump but failed miserably. I fell off my horse and laid there, catching my breath as Heather and Hannah came over checking on me and Knight. When I knew everything was OK I burst out laughing and Hannah and Heather just gave me weird looks.

"Why are you laughing you could have died!" Heather exclaimed.

"Just-just the situation." I giggled and we all started laughing.

"Lets-go." Hannah giggled. We all got on our horses and rode toward the stables still laughing insanely hard.

When we got into the stable we were still laughing and anything could set us of on another laugh attack and when I heard Jackie's voice coming from the isle I listened in.

"Yes he's built for jumping and the vet said he can't do that anymore so I've decided to put him down." I heard her say and as soon as she said bye I jumped into the isle and attacked her like a hungry tiger.

"Get off-me!" she studdered as I puncher her in the face multiple times. Now I probably could have settled this with words but if you have someone that you hate their guts and you would throw them into a black hole rather than try to reason with them, that's her... plus I'm just violent sometimes.

I eventually drew blood and Hannah and Heather were tearing me off her. Her lip was bleeding and she will probably have a black eye tomorrow. I just laughed at her condition.

Jackie cursed at me and sauntered off.

"I'd better go." I said backing away slowly. "Bye" I said running off.

I went into the dimly lit woods and became my hawk. I soared stealthily through the trees and caught a mouse while I was at it.

Now that I was we'll fed and tired I climbed into my tent and dozed off to sleep.


"Beware" an old scraggly voice said to me.

"Who are you?" I said into darkness.

"The witch in the woods, just beyond your old home."

"What? Witch? There's no such thing."

"That's what you think darling." said the voice. "This dream is a message, come find me I do everything you need."

-----------------End of Dream------------

The dream startled me so I woke up. I checked the time on the watch that was in the bin and got ready for school.

I was at the bus stop and Heather and I just exchanged glances and waited for the bus.

At school, I went and dug through my locker. I brought some things from home to decorate it and I stared at the finished product. I had a mirror on the door and pictures of me and my mom magneted on the door as well. Inside I had little knick knacks and stickers, along with the text books of course, can't escape matter how hard you try.

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