Chapter 9

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Hi everyone I'm sorry I haven't  wrote for the whole Easter holiday as you know I was away with no WiFi don't ask me how I survived but I did lol


*Skylers POV*

When I left Justin's house I went home and it was like midnight and I came home to face the worst person that could ever come against right now..... My Father!!!!

(SF= Skylers Father)

SF: Young Lady I come home from a very long business trip all the way in Japan with the idea of seeing my whole family but I come home to see your mother crying her eyes out worried sick about you!!!!!!!

Sky: First, HI Dad I missed you alot and Second, Dad I'm so sorry I went out with Raeanna and Bianca and then I went to Justin's-..Ummm Raeannas house and I fell asleep I forgot yea.

SF: Hehe Raeanna I should have known it was her she is a bad influence and I don't want you hanging out with her anymore you know what even better you are GROUNDED TILL I SAY WHEN!!!!


And with that I ran up to my room and slammed the door.

*On Monday*

I woke up to the wet feeling of my puppy Pebbles licking my face and dragging the sheet off me.

Then I got up took a bath and did my hygiene stuff and put on my red and pink tube top with a purple mesh top and some short shorts and my sneakers heels. I took a look in the mirror and DAMN did Iook hot.

I went down stairs to see my whole family eating around the table.

Dad: Well good morning to you too.........

I didn't answer because if I opened my mouth he is going to hear more that just a "Good Morning"

Sean: ohhh someone's being a bitch.

Mom: Sean be quite and and watch your language.

Sky: Good morning  Jasmine and Jaymen.

And with that I didn't even bother to eat I just went back up stairs took my phone off charge got my car keys and went to school. Thank goodness my car was back from repair.

*At School*

When I got to school the first place I went was to my locker to put away some of my books. As I was walking away I was greeted my non other that Calvin.

Calvin: Hey baby I see you got all sexy for me *bites bottom lip*

Sky: Calvin can you just- (GCO)

Calvin: Come a little closer? Sure.

Sky: No get away from me you know what I can't believe I actually though you were cool but no your a jerk!!!!!

I can't believe how much boy trouble I'm getting into First Justin then Jakob now Calvin Damn why did I have to be so hot. lol

I was walking down the hall when I was greeted by my Science teacher MR'S. SMITH. I hate her she likes when we say "Mrs" it reminds her that she is married. I am just sorry for the poor man that has to stare into her face everyday it must scar him for life.

Mrs: Skyler I see your running off again it better not be to go do your project that is due TODAY!!

Sky: No ma'am.

Mrs: No who?

Sky: No MR'S SMITH. (see what I mean)

And then I just ran off.

*ring ring*

When the bell rang It was time for Science class and lucky enough I have it with Jakob AND Calvin. (Note my sarcasm)

I took my seat and the seats were made for three people to sit in and took be true I wouldn't mind if the other two people were nerds. I took my seat in the middle when the class started to get full in comes Calvin and Jakob. Oh why is the Lord so mean to me today I didn't do anything wrong.

Calvin:  Hey Skyler wassup.

Jakob: Wassup cutie.

Sky: Hey guys. I said putting my head down.

Mrs Smith: Ok class take your projects out and place them on your table I will come around and collect them.

I took my project out my bag and placed it on my desk but by time I turn around I saw Calvin and Jakob playing with and trying to keep me from getting it.

Calvin: Aye yo Jake catch.

Jakob: Haha.

Sky: Can you guys just STOP!!!!!!

The whole class turned around to see what as going on including MR'S SMITH.

Mrs: Skyler detention NOWWW!!!

Sky: But they were throwing my- (GCO)

Mrs: No buts get out this class right now.

Sky: Ahh I hate this stupid school,I hate all the teachers and I hate LIFE!!!!

And then I ran out the class crying and was about to head home when I saw Justin coming out of the teacher's lounge.

Justin: Hey Skyler w-why are you crying and where are you going??!?!?!

Sky: Nothing and I just w-wanna get home..

I started to drive my car when I was about to hit free road I saw a red figure coming close to me at a massive speed and I had no where else to go but forward and then…………


Ohhh Cliff hanger sorry to keep you hanging and I'm soooooo very sorry that I haven't written over the holiday but I was without WiFi so sorry again and I want to add another person into the story and I already have their role so can I get some suggestions. Maybe some names like your name I'll need three names so ok peace out my niggas


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