Chapter 16

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*Sky's POV*

As you may know I've been living with my mom since I've broken up with Justin I just can't believe him. Anyway today I'm going to school to talk to the principal about my pregnancy and if I can continue going to school with the baby but I just hope Justin took a break from teaching so I won't have to see him anymore but from now on I need to get ready.

I struggled out of the bed with this enormous camel back in my stomach and got into the bathroom and took a shower. It felt so good to feel the warm water run down me body.

I got out the bathe and put on a very long dress because none of my jeans or shirts can fit me anymore.

Mom: Skyler Wake up time to go to school!! *I missed saying that*

Sky: I'm already up!! *I missed saying that*

I got my phone and my car keys and some books just incase I'm allowed to do my classes, I went down stairs to eat something.

My mom had already prepared food for me but eggs and bacon can't  full me anymore. So I got put some Waffles and syrup and some left over fried chicken and whip cream and peanut butter and jelly and bread, don't judge me it's not weird.

Mom: Um remember you have a family.

Sky: Remember I'M EATING FOR TWO!!

Mom: Ok then.

Sky: So how are the kids and Sean?

Mom: There ok the day you didn't come home Sean literally cried himself to sleep, and the twins kept on asking for you.

Sky: So where is Sean?

Mom: He is already at school.

Sky: Ok I should leave now.

When I was about to get into the car I remembered that I have I'm pregnant so my belly isn't fitting under the car wheel anymore so I had to lift the lever to push the car seat back enough so I could fit. SUCCESS!!!!

I drove to school and got out of the car.

To my luck I saw Calvin and Jakob talking to some girls at the front of the school and everyone starting at me *nothing changed*

Calvin: Hey Skyler right? Haven't seen you in a couple months where have you been?

Sky: Fucking your father.

Calvin: Still feisty huh like it!

Jakob: So who gave you the "D"?

Sky: Didn't you hear me just say his father.

Calvin: So are YOU-

Sky: Bye.

After that I made my way to the principals office to talk to her.

*The Office*


Sky: Hello Principal Brown can I talk to you for a minute?

P: Ummm sure Skyler I've been expecting you.

Sky: Yes ma'am I know I wanted to talk to you about coming back to school.

P: Yes but you haven't been in school for 8 and a half months now and you would have alot of catching up to do.

Sky: I know and I'll try my best to so what ever it is that I have to do please I'm sorry I went out and got pregnant it's a mistake *Sorry baby* and I really want my education please.

P: Well you are a straight A Student I'm sure I can slip you back in.

Sky: Thank you thank you thank you, you will not regret it thank you and please can you talk to the lunch lady about my eating problem please.

P: Sure I will be on my way.

I walked back out of the office and luckily I brought some books just in case I could do class and I have Science.

I walked in and took my regular seat but a girl came and said it was her seat but then Mrs. Smith came in and saw us arguing and obviously took her side.

Mrs: Ahh Skyler Scott how nice of you to join us after about 8 months.

Sky: Yes Mrs. Smith nice to see you again how are you this morning?

Mrs: Well actually I'm doing reall-

Sky: It wasn't a question.

Mrs: Same old Skyler, Ok class please take your seats.

Girl: Ummm She's in my seat.

Mrs: Ok just sit beside Jason from now on Amber, Ok class today we are going to be talking about the Respiratory System I hope you all read.

*At Lunch*

After my classes I went to lunch and I was hoping the Principal talked to the lunch lady about my eating problem.

I took my regular seat at my table where only friends would normally sit and speak of the devils here they are.


Rae: OMG Skyler I haven't seen you in like forever and why do you have a beach ball under your dress.

Sky: Hey girl's long time no see and Rae you know it's not a beach ball I'm pregnant.

Rae: What is it?

Sky: Well I don't know yet I want it to be a surprise.

Bianca: Ok in case it's a girl call her Savannah or Krystal.

Rae: If it a boy name him Quaton *pronounced Quayton* or Jauntai.

Sky: Yea I like those names I'll think about it tho.

*After school*

I had just finished my last class and was in the bathroom when Kobi came in.

Kobi: Ohhhhh there she is the laughing stock of the school, you know I really had no one to mess with and I see you got a little thing while you were gone too.

Sky: Oh and how is your job at McDonald's?

Kobi's friend: Haha actually she got fired from McDonald's she is actually working at The New kids place around the corner as the mop lady.


Samantha: Sorry ma'am.

Sky: I know she did not just call you  ma'am, OH HEELLL NAWWW!!

Kobi: Forget it!!

Sky: DAMN girl you don't got to be shouting like that Damn I'm finna slap you in your face.

Kobi: Whatever as I was saying so who got you preggo?

Sky: Don't get mad when I tell you this it was.......your father.

Kobi: You really think I'm messing with you.

Sky: I'm a girl who also spreads peace ok but I'll spread my hand across your face bye bitch.

Kobi: Your a little whore.

Sky: BISH WHET you know what let me walk away walk away Sky.

*At Home*

Sky: Mom!!

Mom: I'm in the Living room.

Sky: Hey.

Mom: So you must have been accepted back in for you to be out all day.

Sky: Yea and she said as long as I keep my grades up.

Mom: Well that won't be hard you were an A Student, Um honey can you pass the remote for me?

Sky: Mom the remote is right beside you and I'm in the kitchen really.

Mom: Yes, thank you oh and your Dad is competing home in two days.

Sky: Shit.....


Hope you enjoyed


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