"Whatever makes you Sleep At Night" // Undertaker x Reader // Request (002)

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@That1_Trashsama on September 25th


Since day one of not really wanting to do your job properly as a Reaper you tagged along with your great friend. As years went on and you both seem to act older and look older you guys get together and become 'more than friends' which for some reason creeps out the teenage boy that sometimes visits the shop for information..?


Sorry I didn't do this as soon as you asked, normally I'm on it, but school is catching up and if I want to keep my phone and laptop I gotta keep more then two grades up- So I apologize That1_TrashSama ;; , but you have a great ass name-




You clung onto your 'partner'. He helped out a lot when you two went to reap souls together, this was when reaping together was a common thing and was shown as a sign of friendship between two reapers. But as time went on you and your friend Adrian got tired of reaping, not each other though you both loved each other. One day after agreeing to quit, you guys went to your boss and explained why and you guys left without letting him replying. You both made your way into some place in England and settled.

Since you guys still loved the theme death though, you two opened up a shop where you could take care of the dead, a funeral home. You guys took care and dressed the bodies, it calmed your nerves that wanted to reap. This is as close as you gotten to reaping for the past ten years, whenever a grieving family came in they would explain how such a cute couple made them cheer up a bit seeing how they're in the job together.

You guys would laugh- something you two would do- and explain how you guys are just really close friends. But it also got the two ex-reapers thinking, are they more then friends? They share the back of the store together which was one bedroom and you guys are not afraid of anything so soon enough you guys made it official.

One day when a man with navy blue hair walked in with twin boys, you knew everything was going to change. You found out you had to give information to this man about the dead bodies that either randomly died or where killed. It was the Queen's Order. You would avoid that and let Adrian take care of it while you distracted the younglings. You would secretly give them dog biscuits- which they acted like they loved but when they get home would give to the dog- and spoil them with hugs and words that a kind mother would speak.

knowing you'll never have kids because of how old you are plus you ARE a reaper of the sorts, this was as close as you where going to get. One of the twins loved your hugs and words while the other seemed use to it, it was odd but went with him. Every night you would give Adrian information on the boys and he would give information of the man- who was Vincent Phantomhive.

One day- it was late at night so you and Adrian where dead asleep you heard the knocking on the door from the store. You finally got up and made your way to the door, you saw a guard from the queen- he explained how everyone expect an elderly butler survived a fire, a little boy was kidnapped though which made you sad. You where a reaper, an old reaper in fact so why feel these feelings? You nodded and closed the door and agreed to tell Adrian about it in the morning.

When morning came around you explained what happen, of course he was also sad. Vincent and the boys where the reason the shop was open everyday, unlike most places this town doesn't get many murders mostly because once someone got murder, London would go quiet for a while and not be active.

Then! Everything changed again, Ciel returned and took over his fathers place which leads you to today.


You sat next to Adrian and laughed, you didn't have an insane laugh like your beloved boyfriend did, but you did have a pretty messed up one. The demon just told you two a joke, it was a way to get information. Since Ciel is so young Adrian and You made a rule where you have to tell one good joke before he could get proper information. What amused you the most is you two would get great jokes, and they won't know how little information you guys got on the bodies.

"You two are just gross.." Ciel said, you stopped laughing for a moment, looked at Adrian; and then started laughing once more. You guys? Gross? This was the best joke yet! "You guys are just so weird! And not married yet so old!?" Ciel went on- this was out of character for him but you went with it, it's probably the stress the Queen was putting on the young boy.

Plus words didn't hurt at this point, you and Adrian got rude kids in the shop all the time. Ciel went on for another ten minutes as Adrian explained to Ciel's butler about the information you two had on these two bodies that where recently murdered. Ciel growled at you, no reason just growled. You growled back. Ciel was shocked a bit, no one growled at him before.

"The fact you and the Undertaker are together makes me want to throw up- I hope you guys sleep in separate rooms" Ciel randomly pointed out, you once again went into a fit of laughter. "Whatever makes you sleep at night!" You said in-between your fit of laughter, that made the boy make a sick face. He knew now that you guys shared a room. It's what normal couples do after all! He for some reason found this information nasty- even though he asked it himself.

Soon you heard that show-off-of-a-demon call his young master to leave, you walked with the boy out of the back- you guys where examining the bodies before you two started your conversion about you and your boyfriend- and to the front. You sat on the stool next to the counter, beside Adrian. "Goodbye undertaker, goodbye (YourName)" You gave a small smile while Adrian gave off a different type of smile and nibbled on his Dog biscuit.

Hopefully the boy sleeps tonight and not let his thoughts wonder.


You can read this if you want or not but it's kind of important in my eyes.

Last night after I finished writing and editing this, my dog started acting weird. It kept me up all night, now I know why.

After about an hour my dog started acting even weirder. Breathing heavily, heart beat going crazy, he even pooped on my bed. It's out of character for him so dad got up and laid down on the floor next to him for a while.

When I woke up- I've only had like three hours of sleep- something felt off. That's when dad told my dog- Tucker- died.

God it hurts so bad. He turned 8 today too. Happy birthday little buddy..I wanted to say this because his middle name is the best name ever due to the fact that I named him after the sky and not him.

Tucker Ciel N.

He was he best damn dog you could ever ask for.

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