Chapter Fifteen

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Jan 1st, 2013

I sigh as I lay back in the bed and lay my hand on my stomach. I spent new year's eve in the hospital then finally got to come home. My vitals were strong and the conclusion was gone. I smile slightly then look at my stomach and rubs small circles over the small bump that has begun to form. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "So there is a chance I'm not going to be here to see you grow up. I'm going to try my best for you but at the same time I can't promise anything." I say and I clear my throat.

"Your daddy is really scared and he has good reason to be sacred but I know even if I'm not here to raise you your daddy is going to raise you so well. He would love you and you'd hear all the stories of your Mama making bad decisions." I say and laugh lightly till I hear a laugh come from the door. I look over at Mike and see him leaning against the door with crossed arms. My cheeks go red when he starts to walk over to me.

"I don't think you made many bad decisions. I mean the whole being on the top of the bus wasn't the smartest but overall your decisions lead us to be where we are today," he says and I smile nodding my head.

"You're right," I say then he leans over and presses a kiss to my lips. I kiss him back then pull away and Mike places his hand on my stomach. We both look down to the little forming bump on my belly. I still wasn't quite fourteen weeks so we still weren't really in the safe zone but if our little one hasn't given up yet I don't think it will. "I plan on being there Mike," I say then look up at him. He smiles then leans in and presses a kiss to my lips.

"Good cause I plan on your being there as well," he says and I smile when he crawls into bed with me. We pull the blankets over us and I sigh. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my temple. I smile up at him then slowly start to fall asleep.

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