Chapter Sixteen

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Jan 13th, 2013

I yawn as I walk out of the bedroom and head into the kitchen as I rub the back of my neck. Slowly I roll my neck around hearing it pop more and more. "Woah I slept wrong," I say and I laugh slightly then rest my hands on my stomach. My hands run over my stomach and I smile. Fifteen weeks along and my bump has been growing and growing. Mike always held me in his protective arms and watched over me.

I take a deep breath then walk into the kitchen and head over to the fridge. Mike had to leave early with Vic because they were doing something for the band. I was too tired last night while Mike was telling me to actually care. I grab a bottle of juice then head into the living room. I plop down on the couch and turn on the TV.

I sigh in content then start to pay attention to the new show I had started. I had heard many times that Sons Of Anarchy was good but I could never bring myself to watch it. It's been on for years and since they're all on Netflix I figured I needed to start watching it.

I sit back and start the show. "Well, the fans weren't lying when they said the main character was fucking hot," I say and smile then take a big gulp of the juice.

"Who's hot?" Mike asks and I quickly look over my shoulder. I smile at him and wiggle my eyebrows then point at the TV.

"The ripped main character in Sons Of Anarchy," I say and he raises his eyebrow at me then walks over and takes a seat beside me. He throws his arm over my shoulder and starts to watch with me.

"So you're not wrong but you're mine," Mike says then leans down and kisses me lightly. I kiss him back then pull away and start to watch the show. A scene comes to where some pregnant chick is holding a needle to her hand. I place a hand over my stomach protectively and I snuggle into Mike's chest. He places his hand on my stomach as well then the scene changes. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Fucking junkies," Mike says and I nod my head.

"I couldn't imagine ever doing that to our baby," I whisper and continue to watch the show. Time goes on and we watch more and more into the show. That Wendy is a crazy bitch, but Gemma seems just as bad. Also what the fuck was going on between Tara and Jax? An hour later Mike and I realize we just spent the day watching a show together. I look up at Mike and kiss his cheek. "We've been really lazy today babe," I say then he laughs and nods his head.

"Hell yeah, we have. It's been nice. We've had a family day." Mike says then kisses me and holds my stomach gently. I smile and nod my head then shift and stand up slowly. Mike pushes up from my back when I walk into the kitchen and sigh.

"What do we want to eat today?" I ask myself and start to look through the cupboards and drawers to look at all the food. I see stuff to make tacos and I smile as I start to make the food. I turn Son's of Anarchy on the kitchen TV then start to make food.

Mike walks into to try and help me but I shoo him off. He rolls his eyes then sits at the bar and talks to me as I get everything made and ready. I set everything out and give a plate to Mike. "I'm really into this show," he says and I laugh my head nodding.

"I know! The fans were right! We really did need to watch this show." I say and he nods his head then takes a huge bite of his taco. I smile at him then go to take a bight as well. Thank goodness little thing here likes Mexican cause I sure would be sad if I got sick at the smell of tacos.

"These are so good," Mike says and I chuckle.

"Yeah but I like your Mom's tacos better. There's just something I can't get right with mine." I say and he looks at me and shakes his head.

"Well I think these are the best thing you make and you make some damn good shit Tony," he says and I place my hands on my stomach and do a little dance. I push my stomach out and nod my head.

"Hell yeah, I do," I say and he laughs then rolls his eyes.

"Tony we both made that little thing," he says and I nod my head then lean over and place a kiss on his lips.

"Oh, I know."

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