chapter 39

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I just feel like I should

Encre's POV:

After my visit for Geno, I went straight to the forest hoping I can find the castle but no success.

I decide to rest by a tree for tonight and carry on tomorrow until I heard footsteps.

I blend in with the tree using my art ability and saw someone I never thought I'll see again.


His most white wings are now jet black and very painful looking, as if someone plucked the beautiful, pure feather off his wings by force then painted it black, the wings that he was so proud and favourite is now in such a state, his eyes are sewed together but still bleeds as if he's crying.

His once golden soft hair is now darken to black, there seem to be blood at the tip of his hair which reach just a bit below the shoulder. He's wearing the yellow clothing I made for him when we're still friends but it's covered in blood which almost dyed it black.

I stood still but my legs are getting weak, he's blinded so he shouldn't see me right?

He suddenly stopped, there was moments of silent, everything was too still like it died.

"Is that you Encre?"

I feel my stomach turn and I'm getting light headed, still, I stand my ground.

"Hey, why did you left me? I thought you cared about me," he carries on asking, still I did not answer.

"I'm talking to you!" He shouted and aimed his Kilij toward the tree right above my head, I froze, what should I do? He walked towards me slowly and stopped in front of me resting his hand on my left cheek. It's cold.

"Why wouldn't you answer me, I loved you so yet you looked at me with such eyes, why? It still hunts me to this day, I did everything for you, why did you push me away?"  his voice sounded like how he was, gentle, kind and a very safe feeling yet, it's cold and sends shivers down my back at the same time.

"Why...why did you leave me?" I asked through my sobbing, my tears are getting out of control.

"Whatever do you mean? I was always with you, you should know better, shouldn't you? You know what you and I did and it will follow you until the end of time, as long you remember, I will always be with you." he said getting close to me still, a whimper escaped my lips and he smiled at that.

"It's such a shame that my eyes are taken, I want to see your face right now, full of fear. Just thinking it gives me excitement, hehehehe. Come with me, I can show you what it's like to have sins, it's such a pleasure." his hand snake down my back and his face is getting closer to mine.

"Lucifer...stop, please," I cried, backing away as much as I can.

"Aww, come on Encre, call me Lucy like how you use to, didn't you say calling me that make you feel happy? That it makes you feel safe? That smile you showed me drives me crazy, come on, laugh for me like you use to, I want to change that to scream, I want to be the one that changes you." he said while his fingers plays with my lips.

"Lucifer...please...I don't want don't want this...please come back to me, I really miss you," I cried, yet still he didn't back away, he showed me a smile and rest his head at the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too, but I know what I want, Encre, sorry, I should call you Inky like I use to, and I'm sure you have enough magic to get away from me yet still you stood here," he said but I stayed quiet.

"Or is it you're too kind to hurt your precious and dearest friend that you spend most of your childhood with? How pitiful yet that's why I want you, so, so kind, gentle, understanding, you're just too perfect and cute for this world,"

"Lucifer...let me go...if you're not coming back, then let me go." I said and pushed him from his shoulder.

"Father, it's ready." A child voice came from behind Lucifer which led him to turn away from me and I see a boy, maybe around 7 or 8. Standing there with no emotion.

"Heh, guess he didn't notice," Lucifer then turn to me,
"Let me introduce you to our son, I made him myself, his name is Palette since you like drawing so much, this is our child," he said with a happy smile.

"Our? Child?! What...?"

"This is how much I love you, come with me and we can raise him together!" He said in such a happy voice I hesitated to run away.

" can' can't create life! That's not possible! She disappeared long ago! Unless...!" I stopped my voice, I couldn't get it out even if I wanted to.

"Yes, she's with me now, I asked a little fallen angel to do the job," he chuckled to himself "She really had let her guard down with Death visiting her so often. Such a easy kill, taking her power was almost boring "

"You...killed life?" I stood in shock as I feel a shout swelling up at the back of my throat.

"How could you?! She raised us! Teached us! Loved us! She was like our mother!" I shouted with my head down as my leg gives away and I found myself kneeling in the ground.

A finger lift my head by my chin and I was face to face with Lucifer, who was wearing Life's face.

I jump back in fear and was dumbfounded by what meets my eyes.


"Yes, I peeled her face off, of course when she's dead. It would make a horrible face if I did it while she was alive," he stroke Life's face while saying so "I thought I should give this to you as a gift. Since she is the closet thing to a mother for you,"

I screamed.

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