Chapter 14

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This is just a filler. Sorry guys. Enjoy


~Unknown person~

"Sir we have located our target. She is where you said she was and she's an easy target." A tall young man said as he stood in front of his boss, who was a mean looking man. A scar ran down the right side of his face from where he fell running away from the police a year ago. Had he not had the black hood over his face the scar would be more defined and the man would be even more bitter. No one will get away from hurting him, whether it was indirectly or not he did not care, without getting hurt back. The man stood up with a big sneer spreading across his face.

"Good. When shall we place the bait in her place do you think, my trusted adviser?" he asked the young man, who cringed on the inside at the name that was given to him. He hated his boss with a passion and would do anything to hurt him, even if it meant throwing him under the bus.

"Whenever you think is best, sir." The young man answered wisely, keeping back the hatred from his voice that would betray him and what he felt for the man.

"You answer wisely. Tell the bait that he can start his decoy whenever he thinks is best. And make sure to let him know of be fails his life is on the line." The young man tried not to sneer and nodded his reply as he left the long room. His footsteps echoed in the silence and his thoughts raging around in his mind. He could just leave. He didn't have to go on with the plan. He could let the evil man figure out what to do on his own without him. He turned around at the door and glanced in the direction of his boss and shuddered as he felt the glare pierce through his soul. He couldn't leave this place. He would have no where else to go to and he was already wanted in two countries. This was his only hope of getting to freedom and a new life in America.



The words rang through his mind. This was his chance to get with Anna. Again. This was the only way he could be happy. Nothing was going to stop him and there was no way, no way what so ever, that he would not get her to be his girlfriend.

Let the bait be set for the trap.

Let's do this. Let's take what should be mine for sure and set the rest of the world on fire behind him. He let out a chuckle, not one of sweetness or pure happiness but one that sounded evil. Pure and utterly evil.

Hey stranger. What happened to you? I miss talking to you. How are you doing? I hope you're doing good. :) <3

So worth it.


Double update. Hehe


Hehehehehehehe I'm not evil. Just having fun. Haha jk.

What do you think?

Hey miranda. You hate me even more now :P hehehehe. I'm sure my friend Hannah isn't happy with this either. Haha don't care.

At least you guys now where Kyle is.

What do you think is going to happen with Anna and Liam?

Oh and what about what's going to happen with Kyle?

Love you readers soooooo much.

Vote/comment/share. Please.

Althea Heatherly.

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