Chapter 22

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A small willow tree blew in the wind, a small gathering of people surrounding it and a shiny black coffin. Strangled cries came from a young lady standing alone as she watched the young men dig the grave. Her hair was falling in front of her face and she fell to her knees as the men grabbed the coffin, lowering it into the ground. Someone wrapped their arms around the young lady's shoulders and held her as I tried my hardest to concentrate on who the young lady. She looked up at her friend, the face strikingly similar. Natalie. It was Natalie.

A young man with dyed blonde hair and his natural brown hair sat beside a hospital bed, his head hung low. A small sob escaped his mouth as he buried his head down on the hospital bed. The small thin girl laying on the bed, motionless breathed regularly with the life support machine that she was attached to. Slow, steady, sob. In, out, hiss of the machine, sob. The young man leaned up and kissed the girl's forehead and stood up, leaving her all alone.

Heartbeat races more than what was normal, hands twitching, and life slowly comes back into the girl that laid there lifeless just seconds ago. The nightmares and pains people had finally became false.


I coughed and sputtered for some real air, not the air for the machine. Coughs rose from my chest and a nurse and a doctor came running into the room to save the day. She quietly tells me to relax, that everything is okay as a doctor quickly takes the tubes out of my throat.

"Now your throat may be a little sore but I think that's the only problem you have to worry about, besides getting better." She kindly instructed me and I smiled softly at her nodding.

"Th-hank you." I whisper back hoarsely. She smiles and hands me a cup of water, lifting my head softly to help me drink.

"Your friends have been here a lot." She informs me and my head snaps up to meet hers, finally more interested about that then about the other information that she's given me. "They all have been really worried about you sweetie, I know they will be very happy to know your awake." I smiled some and laid my head down tiredly, the nurse calmly playing with my hair and brushing it out of my face.

"You rest now sweetie. I'll be back in a little bit with something to eat." I nodded softly closing my eyes, realizing how hungry I really was. I curled up on one side and fell back asleep, relaxing completely into the bedsheets and slept peacefully for once in a really long time.

Hours later, I was woken up to people talking quietly as they gathered around me. I slowly rolled onto my back again and rubbed my face, waking up. I looked around slowly, recounting everyone's names and smiled. Liam..Harry..Zayn..Louis..Janie..Natalie. I stopped and let my eyes linger on her a little bit longer and held my arms out for her. She came over to me and hugged me gently and firmly.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered softly into my ear.

"I am too." I giggle softly into her ear and she laughs softly.

"Hey. Secrets don't make friends." Louis pouted interrupting our little friend moment. Natalie laughed and I spoke out hoarsely.

"But friends make secrets, therefore," I coughed into my arm, "I have friends where you have band mates and people who tolerate you." I stuck my tongue out at him and took a drink of water. He pouted and acted hurt.

"That was offensive there, Anna. Apologize please." He pouts as the nurse comes in with some food for me.

"With that look I wouldn't want to apologize anyways." She countered and everyone laughed. I smiled and dug into my food and looked up. Where was Niall? There was no telling but I listened to my friends quietly talking amidst themselves and smiled. It was good to be back and around them again. Even though I couldn't really miss them, I did.

Liam grabbed my hand softly and whispered to me, "It's good to see you awake." I smiled weakly at him and nodded. Zayn hugged me gently.

"Don't leave us again like that or I will come after you." I laughed softly with him and looked up at the door.

There he was. The boy who comforted me two years ago and the boy I've come to realize that I love him. I truly love him. I missed those times when he would text me and tell me about his day, every single detail of what he did. He often said "you can't tell anyone. I'll get in so much trouble."

I sat up slowly, biting my lip at the pain in my side and he smiled at me, walking to my bed. Natalie moved back over to where she was standing only moments before, letting Niall take her spot. He gently and carefully hugged me, slightly lifting me from the bed.

"Can't let go. Won't let you know. You're.." i whispered into his ear and he pulled back whispering.

"Mine forever now." He whispered staring into my eyes. It was true. This boy in front of me was the one I fell in love with years before and he came back to me. He never broke his promise. I knew he wouldn't.


That seems like a good place to stop. I hope you like this chapter because I love it. Hehe. There's still a lot to go on in this book but I think there may be eight more or so chapters. I'm not quite sure but I do have the end planed out. Hehe. I can't wait.

I hope those of you that are starting school again soon, or already have in my case, have a good year. It's not horrible i promise. You can make it through. Just stay strong and enjoy what you have in your life now.

Love you all so much,

Althea Heatherly.

P.S. it would be amazing if like there were 1.5k reads on this book before I write the next chapter.

P.P.S. You all are amazing. I mean it. Don't listen to losers who say otherwise.

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