Chapter 17

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Laughs were ringing throughout the room. Janie was a sweet person and there was no doubt that Harry was crushing on the young lady. Liam snuck another kiss to Anna and I looked away. I couldn't handle seeing them together, not now when I knew my feelings were true.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Louis yelled as he came down the stairs after coming from the bathroom. Everyone but me agreed, I was so outnumbered it didn't matter anyways. I'll just play along again and pretend I'm having a good time like I normally do. They decided that Janie would start since she was the birthday girl.

"Anna, truth or dare?" She started the game off. I tuned out the game, thinking about the words that had been running through my head recently.

"Tears running down your cheek/ only one chance to see you again" Wait. Stop. I looked around for a piece I paper desperately, grabbing my phone when I couldn't and started typing like my life depended on typing the word as the ran from my head to my thumbs. I read through what I just wrote and smiled. Perfect. Not that I would show it to the boys or anything but I knew that one day, this poem now would be a song.

"Niall. Niall!" Louis yelled to me. I saved the song in my notes and looked up.

"Huh?" I questioned, realizing that everyone was watching me. Oops.

"Dude. Stay off your phone for once. Truth or dare?" Louis reprimanded me. I sighed before I answered.

"Uh dare I guess." I regretted my answer as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I dare you to..." Louis was thinking. This was not good at all. "I dare you to feed Anna some cake."

"Louis." Liam grumbled obviously not liking the dare. I wasn't either.

"Sorry mate. It's all I could think of." Louis answered with a smug smile on his face. Janie came back with the piece of cake and set in my hand, as Anna leaned scooted closer to me. She looked nervously back at Liam, who nodded to her, and I gently feed her the piece of cake. I wiped my hand off of onto my pants and looked at the group, after licking the delicious icing off my fingers.

As much as I wanted to know more about Anna, know her and understand the sad look that always entered her eyes every now and then, I couldn't bring myself to ask her anything.

"Zayn. Truth or dare?" He looked at me with a small frown that only I could understand.

"Truth." Lame.

"Okay um have you and Perrie ever met to plan your wedding?" Okay so yes I understand they have crazy schedules but I mean come on. They both are on break and have been meeting everyday, about what no one will ever know.

"Yes we have. The last few days we have been planning the wedding." Everyone cheered in the room and Zayn beamed with happiness. Zayn looked at Anna.

"Anna, truth or dare?" He questioned the girl looking at the window for some reason.


"Don't let us down now Anna?" Janie challenged.

"Um I'm gonna go with truth actually." Anna smirked over at Janie.

"How are your parents with you being over in England?" Zayn asked innocently and surprisingly Liam looked very interested. Janie bit her lip but watched Anna silently.

"Um well.." Anna got quiet and the smile that was on her face had fallen. "I don't ear much from my mom anymore. And my dad.." she stopped speaking for a second and looked down at her hands. "My dad died when I was 16." She said softly and Liam wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to him. I so with that was me right now. Wait when she was sixteen? I glanced over at Anna one last time. Could she be the girl I fell in love with a couple years ago?


*drum roll*

And everyone is going to hate me for yet another cliff hanger. But you know. I love you guys so much.

Please? please? please get me to at please 900 reads. It's only like 51 more reads as it is.

I love you guys so much.

What do you think is going to happen next?

How do you think Anna is going to realize that Niall likes her?


Love you,

Althea Heatherly

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