Chapter 21

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Everyone was buzzing around in the dressing room, trying to get ready to go home after the concert. We were all exhausted, stinky and sweaty.

"Niall!" Louis yelled to me.

"What?!" I grumbled back tiredly.

"Turn on the telly. I want to see what's on." He commanded more than he asked. I sighed as I turned it on for the crazy boy. Louis groaned when he saw the local news was up first.

"Niall..turn that off. Ple-" He stopped. "Liam..isn't that Anna's house?" Everyone in the room got quiet and turned to the tv and listening to what was being reported.

"Just about thirty minutes ago, police were called to this house right behind me and what they found was something that many police having dreaming would happen for a while. Luis Gracia Defamo was found in the house and reports are that he attempted to kill a young lady that was home alone at the time. How they were found has yet to be told. The name of the young lady has not been given as well, however it rumored and believed to the young lady was Liam Payne's girlfriend. This young lady tweeted just hours ago asking that the fans to stop sending her hate blaming her for..." I stared at the tv trying to process everything that was just said.

Someone quietly turned the television off and the room got dead silent. Everyone standing in their own little worlds, thoughts trampling through their minds. I typed Anna's username for twitter in the search box and pulled up her home screen. Sure enough asked the fans to stop hating her and that Liam broke up with her. My heart broke thinking that she was hurting because of Liam. I wasn't exactly mad at him but it was a sore spot with me.

Liam told me he wouldn't hurt her. He said "I promise to you, Niall, that I would treat her like a princess." He told me this the day before he asked her out. He did do that, until he broke up with her. Liam was the only one that knew the whole story behind Anna and I. He just didn't know about the major things, her dad dying, the night that both of us cuddled and talked quietly to each other as the doctors kept her at the hospital to make sure the cut on her arm didn't get infected. Anna knew me before X factor and before I was "famous".

I had to go there. I had to make sure she was okay. I jumped from my chair and grabbed my keys, slipping my phone in my pocket and ran to my car. Something was compelling me to go quickly. I couldn't understand this fear that was building up inside me but I knew that I need to get there as soon as I could. I jumped into my car, quickly starting it up an driving off to the house that Anna had learned to call home. Nothing could stop me. Unless it was the stupid traffic that wouldn't end. I cut down an alleyway and quickly drove down the back roads to her house.

Ten minutes later, going down alleyways and hoping and praying that something may not have popped my tire wheels, I ran up to Anna's door. Something in my was hoping that it would be Anna but my shoulders sagged a little bit when Natalie opened the door. It worried me the most that her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

" is everything okay?" I asked softly. She shook her head and held the door open for me to come in. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, walking in my lip folded underneath my teeth fear starting to ruin my thoughts that Anna was okay.

"Um okay so I told the girls already.." Natalie started off. "Anna was being stalked my brother, but I had no idea it was exactly him till Anna told me someone was stalking her. My brother had been at the accident when her father was killed but he was the only one that got away. I don't know what his motive was to do to Anna but I did know he was after her. One of the guys that use to work for him helped me and we were able to get the police here before anything got too serious. I'm really sorry Niall." I looked down at the ground trying to take this all in calmly.

"So you're brother was one of the kids trying to kill her two years ago and he tried to kill her just now?" I questioned, hoping there would be a different answer.

"Yes." My heart broke a little bit inside. That's not what I was hoping for. I nodded softly and bit my lip.

"Can she have visitors?" I ask softly and Natalie smiles despite what she may be feeling.

"Yeah but they're only letting people in for thirty minutes." She smiled a little bit and looked down. Poor girl, the thought in her mind at the moment must be tortuous. Wrapping my arms around her gently, I held her in a comforting hug. She relaxed a little bit and I pulled back.

"I'm gonna go see her then." She nods and pulls back away from me, walking to the couch.

"Okay. Don't do anything stupid." She calls to me as I open the door. I chuckle softly and walk to my car, biting my lip seeing all the cameras and people coming to see what I was doing. I got into my car, knowing that traffic was still going to be crazy, but hoping that it wasn't and that Anna was okay.

Thankfully traffic wasn't horrible and listening some of my favorite songs helped me a lot. I parked as quickly as I could and walked into the hospital, asking someone where to go and almost ran to Anna's room. Something stopped me from going in just yet, and I looked into her room. No one was in there. Good, I wanted to be there alone with my Anna.

I walked into the room quietly, biting my lip when I saw the beautiful yet pale young lady laying before me. Something seemed to pull me to her, forcing me to walk to her side and grab her hand. My heart raced inside my chest as I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.

She was gorgeous beyond words and I wish I would've told her that. I wish I would've told her I loved her since the night we cuddles. I wish I would've help her tightly in my arms as I saw her walk back into the living room the night Liam broke up with her. I just wanted to help her. I wanted kiss her any moment I wanted to. I leaned closer to we face and brushed my hand gently across her forehead, frowning when I realized it was clammy. I couldn't resist anymore. Not this time. I leaned forward and gently placed my lips on Anna's.

She tasted like cherries and smelled like honeysuckles. The same from when I first met her, so young, heartbroken and leaning on anyone that would help her. I pulled back after a little while and the nurse came in.

"I need to check her wound. You can stay if you wish to." She invited me. I smiled and watched her as she gently pulled the bandaged away from Anna's side. I was expecting a small wound but this wound went from her hip to half way up her side, and it looked deep. I watched the nurse and saw she was frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked inquisitively.

"Now I understand why she hasn't been responding to us. Part of the knife broke in her side and the wound is infected." The nurse answered me as she quickly rushed out for a doctor.

I can't lose Anna. I just got a chance to get her back.


I love this chapter. Hehe I hope you do too.

I love you, all of my readers. So amazing you are and you make me happy. Thank you for everything.


Althea Heatherly.

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