Chapter 16

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~Natalie~ /a week later/

I was furious. Okay. Let me backtrack a little bit. I never talk to one brother that.. I mean never talk about him either. The one that my father hates and disowned. Luis. He was into drugs and robbing people without getting caught. He helped some guy get killed in Ireland and almost killed his daughter but the police showed up before he could shoot her. That's when dad told him to stop and get a life. Luis didn't want to. Dad disowned him and life went downhill after that for a while. Mum was upset and dad acted like nothing happened. It really wasn't a pleasant year. And now he's struck again. Only this time he's after Anna. How do I know? Because every weird thing that has been happening lately, the black car in front of our apartment building, the guy talking to Anna, and the fact that all three of us feel watched constantly, all of it leads to one scenario. The same one that happened five years ago. Luis was looking to take someone as his, and that was not limited to killing people. No one but me knew, so it was up to me to stop it. Even if I had to die because of what might happen, I was not letting Anna or anyone getting hurt because of people's stupid actions. Not this time.


"Everyone in the kitchen. Now!" I screamed as soon as I walked into the warehouse that I called home.

"Well Luis isn't in a good mood." Someone mumbled.

"You want to know why you, worthless jerks?" I yelled in the direction of the voice. "Because someone in here didn't tell me that the girl I've been tracking down in this world it in the same fucking city as we live in and guess what?! She recognized me! Our cover is not only blown but in danger. Because someone has the audacity to not tell me about Anna!" I slammed my fist down on the table and watches as some people jumped back with the bottles and glasses on the table. Something shattered and I growled even more. "Clean that up you scaredy cats. And don't let me hear a word from you're guys for the rest of the day." I stormed into my room and slammed the door hard. Plan b had to come in plan now. I grabbed my phone and called my only hope at the moment.


"Yes sir?"

"Yes I know. I will do my best to get her there."

"What's that?"

"Oh I guess i didn't realize that. Okay... no no there's no reason to do that sir. I will get the job done. I promise."

"When sir?"

"Um I can try by next month sir."

"Alright bye sir." He was dreaming. Luis was dreaming. I was not going to let him take my girl. Not here, not in America and definitely in this world. She was mi-

Knock knock

Who the heck is knocking on my door?

I stood up and opened the door and found a young lady standing there. Her long wavy hair blowing with the wind and sunglasses to cover her more than likely dark eyes.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked her. Okay I didn't ask, it was more of a demand.

"Yes you can. I'm Natalie, Luis' sister. I think you need to hear a story that you may not have heard." I looked at her confused and let her into my apartment, watching as she pushed her glasses back onto her hair.

"Go on." I told her as I grabbed us some drinks from the fridge. She did go on. She told me a story about Anna I had never heard. A story of her father getting killed, and the story of her brother's escape from the police that night.

"He doesn't want her as his girlfriend," She continued as she finished the story. "He wants to kill her and get revenge for his so called "buddies" of his that are in jail." She looked up at me when she was done talking. As crazy as everything seemed at the moment, it made a lot of sense. I slouched against the back of the black leather couch that I bummed off the street somewhere, and thought for a little bit.

"So why exactly did you come to me?" This confused me the most. Luis' sister was in my condo and was telling me a story I never heard.

"Because I know that Luis is using you to get what he wants. He's not wanting to get caught but he'll use anyone willing to follow him to do his dirty work. He's not a good person at all." She said quietly, looking back down to her hands. I knew she was right. Just something about the way it added up so quickly in my mind scared me.

"I get what you're asking me. Let me think about it and I will contact you with my answer." She nodded and scribbled down her number.

"I really must be going." She said as she got up and grabbed her purse. We both knew of the danger if she was caught by someone in my house.

"I'll let you know by tomorrow." I told her as she walked out the door quickly. She nodded acknowledging that I spoke to her. I closed the door as she drove off.

~Police officer~

The girl that sat before me was the city's answer to the worst group of people that have ruled the murders and robberies. She told us everything. Her male friend came in not too long after she told her whole story and he told us his. It was dangerous for him since he had associated with the group but he was also American. We needed more proof that this was true, and they knew that. All we needed was for two more months of proof and then we could act. They could only hope that they would get enough help before Luis Defamo, as he calls himself, would act personally and the whole situation go ugly. Time was valuable and there was no telling how much of it we had.


I'm not sure if anyone is going to like this chapter. But oh well. Hope you enjoyed it.


Love you guys

Althea Heatherly


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Love you. Night

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