Chapter 23

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Anna's home. It's such a relief knowing that she's okay and she didn't die. There was no way I could function without Anna being in my world. I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I tried to shake the thought of her being dead away from my mind. The thought in itself made me want to.. cry.

I parked in the only open spot at the orphanage, Mrs. Betty had called me in early this morning. She seemed very tired and stressed out, so I asked Liam to check up on Anna at some point today. Thinking about that now, that probably wasn't the best thing I've done in my life but whatever.

I walked up to the front entrance, frowning as I saw a little bundle on the doorstep, cries coming from under the blankets tightly wrapped around the small child. Kneeling down, I pulled the soft baby blanket away a little bit and a small face, red from the tears and cold wind blowing around the little child came revealed to my eyes. My heart broke as I picked her up and rocked the little one softly trying to quiet the baby down, reading the note in one hand.

"She's too much to handle. Hope she can be happy but I can't take care of her. Names Melisa Ann. She's not to take my last name so I'm not giving it to you. Bye.

Her Father"

"What have we here?" I jumped slightly looking up and smiling at Mrs. Betty.

"We have an abandoned Melisa Ann, with no last name." I saw her frown even though she tried to cover it quickly with a small smile. The one that all the kids knew as concern.

"Let's get her inside then." She holds the door for me as we walk inside the building. "Anything on how old she is?"

"No but she looks really young." I frowned. This poor little girl could've had the blessing of life and a happy family but her father didn't want her, so her life plans went downhill from that one decision. I looked down at the small face, eyes shut and leaning into my arms, tears slightly forming in my eyes. Mrs. Betty turned to me with a knowing look.

"Well our little Melisa will be just fine. Don't worry about her. Her life is fully ahead of her." She smiled as I nodded.

"I know. I-... I just hate to see what her life could've been like thrown away so easily." Mrs. Betty smiled softly, patting my arm.

"You're such a softy under that hard shell you put around yourself." I shrugged a little bit as she took the small baby from my arms and let me continue thinking.

This little girl could've been smiling and laughing with her family but her father made one choice. One choice to say I can't do this. This is enough. I looked over at the little baby girl and thought about Anna. The beautiful young lady that held my heart. The young lady that I wanted to hold forever. Her life could be changed for good or for bad, based on one decision.


I knocked carefully on the door of Anna's apartment and waited quietly. Looking back behind me to my car with my new, well newer even though she was mine before, Dani smiles and waved at me. I smiled back and blew her a kiss. I had to give her one more chance and tell Anna it was goodbye for now.

Anna smiled at me weakly as she answered the door, letting me in.

"Are you suppose to be getting up?" I asked her concerned. Even though she was no longer my girlfriend I still cared for her and her health.

"No but I'm the only one here. Is everything okay?" She asked me, her blue hazel eyes burning into me.

"Uh yeah everything's good. I just wanted to check up on you since Niall couldn't." I answered somewhat honestly.

"Where is he?" Her eyes sparkled a little bit at the mention of his name.

"He said something about Mrs. Betty calling him in today. He asked me to check on you. Since I was coming this way for my date I thought I'd step in." The light in her eyes shattered when I mentioned the date and I saw tears rush to her eyes. "Look Anna. I told you it was over. What did you expect me to do? Wait a couple months and have my girlfriend now slip through my hands? No. I'm sorry for hurting you but it's a part of life." Anna gulped back something she might've said and nodded.

"I think you should go now." Her words were quiet and full demanding.

"Anna..." I said softly and placing my hand on her shoulder. "I didn't mea-"

"I said leave now please." She interrupted me even more harshly, pulling away from my hand quickly. I sighed quietly and nodded, walking to the door and opening it. Part of my heart shattered when I heard her crying but I looked out to my car and saw my beautiful lady and walked to the car with a smile.

Life was life, and sometimes horrible things happen in life.


Baby Melisa was a hit with the kids. More than either Mrs. Betty or I could have expected. I loved watching how each kid in this small orphanage would all help each other or help Mrs. Betty do what they need to do as quickly as possibly. It was as if they were still a family, even though they were rejected from their original families one way or another. They found a way a way to interlock each others lives together and make everything work, even if sometimes they hated each other. Even if they wanted to strangle someone for what they did. They found the way to make it work and ignore the person that was making them mad, till they knew they could talk to them without hurt each other. Even if that person hurt the one that they loved more by the words they were spoken to them. They found the way and moved on. How hard could that really be?


It's been a long time coming but here it is!! Enjoy!


Hehe I love this chapter. I hope you like the metaphor that's hidden inside the chapter. Hehe

I'll do my next chapter the moment I have time to. I've been really busy with college.

Love you all so much,

Althea Heatherly

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